Sunday, November 6, 2016

Forex De Nigeria

Hacer dinero Forex Trading, comercio de divisas

Ahora, usted puede hacer dinero en línea con el comercio de Forex en el mercado global de comercio de divisas, que es el más grande del mundo, más rentable, más poderoso y más persistente mercado comercial. Para aquellos que no lo conocen aún, FOREX una abreviatura de FOReign EXchange & quot; O "intercambio de moneda extranjera". Cambio de divisas es la compra o venta de una moneda contra la venta o la compra de otra.

El mercado FOREX es el mercado interbancario mundial donde se negocian todas las divisas. & Quot; NigeriaForex. com & quot; Le ayudará a convertirse en uno de los primeros "comerciantes de Forex" Con nuestra información básica sobre el comercio de divisas, además de otros artículos de divisas, herramientas de divisas, mejores libros de divisas en el mercado, las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas. Además, le proporcionaremos los mejores sistemas de comercio de divisas y corredores de divisas que responden a sus necesidades individuales como un comerciante de divisas.

El comercio de divisas (ForEex) es simplemente el intercambio de una moneda por otra - cada comercio de divisas puede teóricamente ser visto como un comercio "spread" donde comprar una moneda debe vender otra. El convenio establece que las monedas se miden en unidades por 1 USD. Por ejemplo, 1 USD vale aproximadamente 125 JPY (Yen japonés) o 1 USD vale aproximadamente 1.5000 CHF (francos suizos). Como resultado, cuando USD / JPY se aprecia en valor, es el USD que se ha apreciado en valor relativo al JPY y no viceversa. Posición-sabio, poseer o ser "largo" USDJPY significa que usted es largo el USD y simultáneamente corto el JPY. USD, por lo tanto, es la moneda por defecto 'lead'.

Acerca del Mercado de Divisas

El mercado de divisas, también conocido como el "Forex" O "FX" Es el mercado financiero más grande del mundo, con una facturación promedio diaria de más de 1 billón de dólares - 30 veces más que el volumen combinado de todos los mercados de renta variable de los Estados Unidos. "Divisas" Es la compra simultánea de una moneda y la venta de otra. Hay dos razones para comprar y vender divisas. Alrededor del 5% de la facturación diaria es de empresas y gobiernos que compran o venden productos y servicios en un país extranjero o deben convertir los beneficios obtenidos en divisas en su moneda nacional. El otro 95% está negociando para el beneficio, o la especulación. Para los especuladores, las mejores oportunidades comerciales están con las divisas más comúnmente negociadas (y por lo tanto más líquidas), llamadas "las Majors". Hoy en día, más del 85% de todas las transacciones diarias implican la negociación de las Majors, que incluyen el dólar estadounidense, el yen japonés, el euro, la libra esterlina, el franco suizo, el dólar canadiense y el dólar australiano.

Un verdadero mercado de 24 horas, el comercio de Forex comienza cada día en Sydney, y se mueve alrededor del mundo como el día de negocios comienza en cada centro financiero, primero a Tokio, Londres y Nueva York. A diferencia de cualquier otro mercado financiero, los inversores pueden responder a las fluctuaciones monetarias causadas por eventos económicos, sociales y políticos en el momento en que ocurren - día o noche. El mercado de divisas se considera un mercado de "OTC" o "interbancario", debido al hecho de que las transacciones se realizan entre dos contrapartes por teléfono o por medio de una red electrónica. Forex Trading no está centralizado en un intercambio, como con los mercados de acciones y futuros. El mercado de divisas no es un mercado de "& quot; En el sentido tradicional. No hay una ubicación centralizada para el comercio, ya que hay en los futuros o acciones. El comercio ocurre por teléfono y en terminales de computadoras en miles de ubicaciones en todo el mundo.

Foreign Exchange es también el mercado más grande y profundo del mundo. La facturación del mercado diario se ha disparado de aproximadamente 5 mil millones de dólares en 1977 a un asombroso 1,5 billones de dólares EE. UU. hoy, Aún más en un día activo. La mayoría de la actividad de divisas consiste en el negocio spot entre el dólar estadounidense y las seis principales divisas (Yen Japonés, Euro, Libra Esterlina, Franco Suizo, Dólar Canadiense y Dólar Australiano) El mercado FOREX es tan grande y está controlado por tantos participantes que Ningún jugador, incluidos los gobiernos, puede controlar directamente la dirección del mercado, por lo que el mercado FOREX es el mercado más excitante del mundo. Los bancos centrales, los bancos privados, las corporaciones internacionales, los gerentes de dinero y los especuladores todos negocian en el comercio de divisas.

Beneficios de Trading Spot FX

LIQUIDEZ: Los inversionistas de Forex nunca tienen que preocuparse de estar "pegados" En una posición debido a una falta de interés del mercado. En este mercado de US $ 1,5 billones de dólares por día, los principales bancos internacionales siempre están dispuestos a ofrecer tanto un precio de oferta (compra) como un precio de venta (venta). La liquidez es una poderosa atracción para cualquier inversor, ya que sugiere la libertad de abrir o cerrar una posición a voluntad. Debido a que el mercado es altamente líquido, la mayoría de las operaciones se pueden ejecutar a un precio de mercado único. Esto evita el problema del deslizamiento que se encuentra en futuros y otros instrumentos negociados en bolsa, donde sólo se pueden negociar cantidades limitadas en un momento dado a un precio determinado. Las seis principales monedas (JPY, EUR, CHF, GBP, CAD y AUD) generalmente se consideran las más líquidas.

APLAZAMIENTO: Los inversionistas de Forex están autorizados a operar con divisas extranjeras sobre una base altamente apalancada - hasta 100 veces su inversión con algunos corredores. Una inversión de US $ 10.000 permitiría negociar hasta un valor de 1.000.000 de dólares de cualquier moneda en particular.

HORAS: Una atracción sustancial para los participantes en el mercado FOREX es que está abierta las 24 horas del día. Un individuo puede reaccionar a las noticias cuando se rompe, en lugar de esperar la campana de apertura cuando todo el mundo tiene la misma información, como es el caso en muchos mercados. Esto puede permitir que los participantes en el mercado tomen posiciones antes de que una parte importante de la información se tenga plenamente en cuenta en el tipo de cambio. La liquidez alta y el comercio de 24 horas permiten a los participantes del mercado salir o abrir una nueva posición independientemente de la hora.

FLEXIBILIDAD DEL TAMAÑO: Los inversionistas del FOREX tienen una flexibilidad más grande con respecto a su cantidad deseada del comercio. Con la mayoría de los corredores de divisas puede negociar cualquier cantidad deseada de más de $ 25.000 USD, específicamente adaptado a sus necesidades o tolerancia al riesgo. La flexibilidad de tamaño o cantidad puede ser especialmente útil para los tesoreros corporativos que necesitan cubrir un flujo de efectivo futuro o administradores de carteras que necesitan cubrir la exposición a acciones extranjeras.

FLEXIBILIDAD DE ARREGLO: Este concepto, un corolario del punto # 4, le permite negociar para varias fechas de liquidación o 'vencimientos' hasta 1 año más, lo que le permite adaptar sus operaciones o coberturas a sus necesidades específicas. Esta característica del comercio FOREX difiere de los futuros en los que las fechas de liquidación son relegadas a 4 'vencimientos' por año, y también puede ser muy útil para los tesoreros corporativos y los gestores de cartera.

NUNCA UN MERCADO DE "OSO": Otra ventaja del mercado FOREX es que no hay mercado de "oso", per se. Las divisas se negocian en parejas, por ejemplo dólar de los EEUU contra yen o dólar de los EEUU contra franco suizo. Cada posición implica la venta de una moneda y la compra de otra. Si uno cree que el franco suizo se apreciará frente al dólar, uno puede vender dólares y comprar francos suizos. O si uno tiene la creencia opuesta, uno puede comprar dólares por francos suizos. El potencial de beneficio existe siempre que haya movimiento en el tipo de cambio o el precio. Un lado de la pareja siempre está ganando, y siempre que el inversor elige el lado derecho, siempre existe un potencial de beneficio.

LIBRE Y FUERTE FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN: Alguna vez notar en el mercado de valores que una determinada acción es de repente el 5% o más, pero usted no tiene absolutamente ninguna idea de lo que causó un pico tan rápido? Por lo general, no es hasta la mañana siguiente cuando lo lee en el periódico que usted descubre que las previsiones de ganancias se han revisado a la baja; O que un miembro de una empresa en particular ha renunciado; O que alguna otra pieza influyente de información fue liberada que usted no estaba al tanto. Imagínese cuánto dinero podría haber ahorrado si hubiera conocido esta información vital al mismo tiempo que todos los demás "iniciados" del mercado. - O cuánto podría incluso haber ganado en beneficio actuando de manera oportuna ... Imagine un mercado donde hay poca o ninguna "información privilegiada" y todas las noticias pertinentes, que se mueven en el mercado se publica públicamente a todo el mundo en el mismo Tiempo ... Bienvenido al mercado de divisas.

Efectivo FX vs. Futuros de divisas

Como inversionista es importante que usted entienda las diferencias entre el efectivo FOREX y futuros de divisas. En futuros de divisas, el tamaño del contrato está predeterminado. Con FOREX (SPOT FX), puede negociar cualquier cantidad deseada por encima de los $ 100,000 USD El mercado de futuros cierra al final del día hábil (similar al mercado bursátil) Si los datos importantes son liberados en el extranjero mientras los mercados de futuros de EE. UU. La apertura del día siguiente podría sostener grandes lagunas con potencial de grandes pérdidas si la dirección del movimiento es contra su posición. El mercado Forex Spot funciona continuamente 24 horas a partir de las 7:00 am hora de Nueva Zelanda el lunes por la mañana a las 5:00 pm hora de Nueva York el viernes por la noche. Los concesionarios de cada uno de los principales centros comerciales de FX (Sydney, Tokio, Hong Kong / Singapur, Londres, Ginebra y Nueva York / Toronto) garantizan una transición fluida a medida que la liquidez emigra de una zona horaria a la siguiente. Además, los futuros de divisas negocian en monedas en moneda extranjera denominadas en dólares solamente mientras que en FOREX al contado, un inversor puede operar tanto en denominaciones monetarias como en las cantidades más convencionalmente cotizadas en USD. El foso de futuros de divisas, incluso durante las horas regulares de IMM (mercado monetario internacional) sufre de pausas esporádicas en la liquidez y las carencias de precios constantes. El mercado spot FOREX ofrece liquidez constante y profundidad de mercado mucho más consistente que Futuros. Con los futuros de IMM uno es limitado en los pares de la moneda él puede negociar - la mayoría de los futuros de la modernidad se negocian solamente contra el USD - con forex del punto, (como con el comerciante de MoneyTec) uno puede negociar divisas contra USD o contra uno en una " Cruz "también - ex: EURJPY, GBPJPY, CHFJPY, EURGBP y AUDNZD.

Quiénes son los participantes en el mercado Forex?

Bancos El mercado interbancario abastece tanto la mayoría de la facturación comercial como las enormes cantidades de comercio especulativo todos los días. No es raro que un banco grande para el comercio de miles de millones de dólares sobre una base diaria. Parte de esta actividad comercial se lleva a cabo en nombre de los clientes, pero una gran cantidad de operaciones también se lleva a cabo por los escritorios de propiedad, donde los comerciantes están negociando para hacer las ganancias del banco. El mercado interbancario se ha vuelto cada vez más competitivo en el último par de años y el estado de dios de los principales operadores de divisas ha sufrido como los individuos de equidad están de nuevo a cargo de nuevo. Gran parte de los intercambios de los bancos entre sí se está llevando a cabo en sistemas de brooking electrónicos que han afectado negativamente a los corredores de divisas tradicionales.

Corredores interbancarios Hasta hace poco, los corredores de divisas estaban haciendo grandes cantidades de negocio, facilitando el comercio interbancario y emparejando a homólogos anónimos para honorarios comparativamente pequeños. Hoy en día, sin embargo, muchos de estos negocios se están moviendo hacia sistemas electrónicos más eficientes que funcionan como un circuito cerrado para los bancos solamente. Sin embargo, la caja de corretaje que ofrece la oportunidad de escuchar en el comercio interbancario en curso se ve en la mayoría de las salas de comercio, pero la cifra de negocios es notablemente menor que hace sólo un año o dos.

Corredores de clientes Para muchos clientes comerciales y privados, existe la necesidad de recibir servicios de divisas especializados. Hay una buena cantidad de no bancos que ofrecen servicios de negociación, análisis y asesoramiento estratégico a tales clientes. Muchos bancos no realizan operaciones para clientes privados en absoluto y no cuentan con los recursos o la inclinación necesarios para apoyar adecuadamente a los clientes comerciales de tamaño medio. Los servicios de tales corredores son más similares en la naturaleza a otros corredores de la inversión y proporcionan típicamente un acercamiento orientado servicio a sus clientes.

Inversores y especuladores

Como en todos los demás mercados eficientes, el especulador desempeña un papel importante asumiendo los riesgos a los que los participantes comerciales no desean estar expuestos. Los límites de la especulación no son claros, sin embargo, ya que muchos de los participantes mencionados anteriormente también tienen intereses especulativos, incluso algunos de los bancos centrales. Los mercados de divisas son populares entre los inversores debido a la gran cantidad de apalancamiento que se puede obtener y la facilidad con la que las posiciones se pueden entrar y salir 24 horas al día. El comercio en una moneda puede ser el "más puro" Manera de tomar una opinión sobre una expectativa global del mercado local, mucho más simple que invertir en mercados de valores emergentes ilíquidos. Aprovechar los diferenciales de las tasas de interés es otra estrategia popular que puede llevarse a cabo eficientemente en un mercado con alto apalancamiento.

La exposición comercial internacional de las empresas comerciales es la columna vertebral de los mercados de divisas. La protección contra movimientos desfavorables es una razón importante por la que estos mercados existen, aunque a veces parece ser una situación de pollo y huevo - que vino primero y que produce la otra? Las empresas comerciales a menudo comercian en tamaños que son insignificantes a los movimientos del mercado a corto plazo, sin embargo, como los principales mercados de divisas fácilmente puede absorber cientos de millones de dólares sin ningún gran impacto. Pero también queda claro que uno de los factores decisivos que determinan la dirección a largo plazo del tipo de cambio de una moneda es el flujo comercial global. Algunas empresas multinacionales pueden tener un impacto impredecible cuando se cubren posiciones muy grandes, sin embargo, debido a exposiciones que no son comúnmente conocidas por la mayoría de los participantes en el mercado.

Los bancos centrales nacionales desempeñan un papel importante en los mercados de divisas. En última instancia, los bancos centrales tratan de controlar la oferta monetaria y suelen tener tasas oficiales o no oficiales para sus monedas. Dado que muchos bancos centrales tienen reservas de divisas muy importantes, el poder de intervención es significativo. Entre las responsabilidades más importantes de un banco central está la restauración de un mercado ordenado en tiempos de excesiva volatilidad del tipo de cambio y el control del impacto inflacionario de un debilitamiento de la moneda. Con frecuencia, la mera expectativa de una intervención del banco central es suficiente para estabilizar una moneda, pero en caso de intervención agresiva el impacto real en el equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda a corto plazo puede dar lugar a los movimientos deseados en los tipos de cambio. Sin embargo, no siempre es cierto que un banco central alcance sus objetivos. Si los participantes en el mercado realmente quieren asumir un banco central, los recursos combinados del mercado pueden fácilmente abrumar a cualquier banco central. Varios escenarios de esta naturaleza se observaron en el colapso del MTC de 1992-93 y en tiempos más recientes en el sudeste asiático.

Los fondos de cobertura han ganado una reputación de la especulación de la moneda agresiva en los últimos años. No hay duda de que con la creciente cantidad de dinero que algunos de estos vehículos de inversión tienen bajo administración, el tamaño y la liquidez de los mercados de divisas es muy atractivo. El apalancamiento disponible en estos mercados permiten que este fondo especular con decenas de miles de millones a la vez y el instinto de manada que es muy evidente en círculos de fondos de cobertura significa que obtener Soros y amigos en la espalda es menos que agradable para una moneda y economía débiles. Sin embargo, es improbable que tales inversiones tengan éxito si la estrategia de inversión subyacente no es sólida y, por lo tanto, se argumenta que los fondos de cobertura realizan un servicio beneficioso explotando y exponiendo deficiencias financieras insostenibles, forzando la realineación a niveles más realistas.

Qué influye en el mercado?

Los principales factores que influyen en los tipos de cambio son el saldo de los pagos internacionales por bienes y servicios, el estado de la economía, los acontecimientos políticos y otros factores psicológicos. Además, las fuerzas económicas fundamentales, como la inflación y las tasas de interés, influirán constantemente en los precios de las divisas. Además, los bancos centrales a veces participan en el mercado FOREX comprando sumas extremadamente grandes de una moneda por otra - esto se conoce como intervención del Banco Central. Los bancos centrales también pueden influir en los precios de las divisas cambiando la tasa de interés de corto plazo de su país para hacerla relativamente más o menos atractiva para los extranjeros. Cualquiera de estas condiciones económicas de base amplia puede causar fluctuaciones repentinas y dramáticas de los precios de la moneda. Sin embargo, los movimientos más rápidos ocurren normalmente cuando se lanza información que es inesperada para el mercado en general. Este es un concepto clave porque lo que impulsa el mercado de divisas en muchos casos es la anticipación de una condición económica en lugar de la condición en sí.

Las actividades de los gestores de divisas profesionales, generalmente en nombre de un fondo de fondos, también se han convertido en un factor que mueve el mercado. Mientras que los gerentes profesionales pueden comportarse de forma independiente y ver el mercado desde una perspectiva única, la mayoría, si no todos, son al menos conscientes de importantes puntos de gráfico técnico en cada moneda principal. A medida que el mercado se aproxima a los niveles más importantes de "soporte" o "resistencia", la acción de precios se orienta más técnicamente y las reacciones de muchos gerentes suelen ser predecibles y similares. Estos períodos de mercado también pueden dar lugar a bruscas y dramáticas oscilaciones de precios. Los comerciantes toman decisiones tanto sobre los factores técnicos como sobre los fundamentos económicos. Los comerciantes técnicos utilizan gráficos para identificar las oportunidades comerciales, mientras que los fundamentalistas predicen los movimientos en los tipos de cambio mediante la interpretación de una amplia variedad de datos, que van desde noticias de última hora a los informes económicos.

La historia del comercio FOREX

Hace muchos siglos, el valor de los bienes se expresaba en términos de otros bienes. Este tipo de economía se basaba en el sistema de trueque entre individuos. Las obvias limitaciones de tal sistema fomentaban el establecimiento de medios de intercambio más generalmente aceptados. Era importante establecer una base común de valor. En algunas economías, elementos tales como dientes, plumas incluso piedras servían este propósito, pero pronto varios metales, en particular oro y plata, se establecieron como un medio de pago aceptado, así como un almacenamiento fiable de valor. Las monedas fueron acuñadas inicialmente del metal preferido y en regímenes políticos estables, la introducción de una forma de papel del gobierno I. O.U. Durante la Edad Media también ganó la aceptación. Este tipo de I. O.U. Se introdujo con más éxito a través de la fuerza que a través de la persuasión y es ahora la base de las modernidades actuales. Antes de la primera guerra mundial, la mayoría de los bancos centrales apoyaban sus monedas con la convertibilidad al oro. El papel moneda siempre se podía cambiar por el oro. Sin embargo, para este tipo de intercambio de oro, no hubo necesariamente una necesidad de Banco Centrales para la cobertura total de las reservas de divisas del gobierno. Esto no ocurrió muy a menudo, sin embargo, cuando una mentalidad de grupo fomentó esta desastrosa idea de convertir de nuevo en oro en masa, el pánico dio lugar a la llamada "Ejecutar en los bancos & quot; La combinación de una mayor oferta de papel moneda sin el oro para cubrir llevó a la inflación devastadora y la inestabilidad política resultante. Con el fin de proteger los intereses nacionales locales, se introdujeron mayores controles cambiarios para evitar que las fuerzas del mercado castiguen la irresponsabilidad monetaria. Cerca de finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el acuerdo de Bretton Woods fue alcanzado por iniciativa de los EE. UU. en julio de 1944. La conferencia celebrada en Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, rechazó la sugerencia de John Maynard Keynes para una nueva moneda de reserva mundial en favor de un sistema construido sobre el Dólar estadounidense. Las instituciones internacionales como el FMI, el Banco Mundial y el GATT se crearon en el mismo período en que los nuevos vencedores de la Segunda Guerra Mundial buscaron una forma de evitar las desestabilizadoras crisis monetarias que llevaron a la guerra. El acuerdo de Bretton Woods dio lugar a un sistema de tipos de cambio fijos que reintegró en parte el Estándar de Oro, fijando el dólar estadounidense a 35,00 por onza de oro y fijando las otras principales monedas al dólar, inicialmente destinado a ser permanente. El sistema de Bretton Woods fue sometido a una creciente presión a medida que las economías nacionales se movían en direcciones diferentes durante los años sesenta. Una serie de reajustes mantuvo el sistema vivo durante mucho tiempo, pero finalmente Bretton Woods se derrumbó a principios de los años 70 después de la suspensión del presidente Nixon de la convertibilidad del oro en agosto de 1971. El dólar no era más adecuado como la única moneda internacional en un momento en que Estaba bajo severa presión del aumento del presupuesto y del déficit comercial de Estados Unidos. En las últimas décadas, el comercio de divisas se ha convertido en el mercado global más grande del mundo. En la mayoría de los países se han eliminado las restricciones a los flujos de capital, dejando a las fuerzas del mercado la libertad de ajustar los tipos de cambio de acuerdo con sus valores percibidos. En Europa, la idea de los tipos de cambio fijos no había muerto en absoluto. La Comunidad Económica Europea introdujo un nuevo sistema de tipos de cambio fijos en 1979, el Sistema Monetario Europeo. Este intento de fijar los tipos de cambio se encontró con la casi extinción en 1992-93, cuando las presiones económicas acumuladas forzaron la devaluación de varias monedas europeas débiles. La búsqueda continuó en Europa para la estabilidad de la moneda con la firma 1991 del tratado de Maastricht. Esto no sólo fijaba los tipos de cambio, sino que también sustituía a muchos de ellos por el euro en 2002. Hoy en día, Europa se encuentra actualmente en la tercera y última fase del euro, donde los tipos de cambio se fijan en los 12 países participantes, Monedas para transacciones comerciales. La introducción física del euro se realizará entre el 1 de enero de 2002 y el 1 de julio de 2002. En ese momento las monedas de los países antiguos serán obsoletas. En Asia, la falta de sostenibilidad de los tipos de cambio fijos ha ganado nueva relevancia con los acontecimientos en el sudeste asiático a finales de 1997, donde la moneda tras la moneda se devaluó frente al dólar estadounidense, dejando otros tipos de cambio fijos en el Sur América también parece muy vulnerable. Mientras que las empresas comerciales han tenido que enfrentar un entorno monetario mucho más volátil en los últimos años, los inversores y las instituciones financieras han descubierto un nuevo patio de recreo. El tamaño del mercado de divisas ahora enanas cualquier otro mercado de inversión. Se estima que más de 1.600 millones de dólares se negocian todos los días, es decir, la misma cantidad que casi 40 veces el volumen diario de dólares en el mercado estadounidense NASDAQ.

Aprenda Forex Trading

Forex trading en línea, el proceso de comercio de divisas a través de Internet, aunque una forma relativamente nueva de invertir, se ha convertido rápidamente en uno de los mayores mercados de inversión en crecimiento. Debido a su alto nivel de liquidez, la simple ejecución, las bajas tarifas de transacción, y el hecho de que está abierto todo el año, las 24 horas del día, el mercado de divisas, también conocido como forex, es extremadamente atractivo para los inversores. Libre de barreras al comercio, el comercio de divisas ofrece el campo de comercio más equitativo para todos los niveles de cliente. Al comenzar el comercio de divisas es importante entender que, al igual que todas las otras formas de comercio, hay riesgo involucrado con las inversiones.

Conceptos básicos de comercio de divisas.

El comercio de divisas, mejor conocido como comercio de Forex, es la compra simultánea de una moneda mientras que vende otro. Forex trading se basa en los movimientos de un conjunto de monedas que se venden en pares de divisas, donde una moneda es la base y uno es el contador o moneda de cotización. También pone las monedas en términos de la oferta de una divisa en comparación con la demanda de la otra moneda. Las ganancias o pérdidas en un comercio se basan en los movimientos relativos de las monedas dentro de cada par de divisas. Pips o puntos son la forma numérica en la que se citan los movimientos de las monedas, los movimientos positivos son ganancias, los movimientos negativos que reflejan las pérdidas. Hay innumerables herramientas y estrategias asociadas con el comercio de divisas, y cuando comienza por primera vez, es importante entender estas herramientas antes de implementar cualquiera de ellos en las estrategias de negociación. Aquí está una lista de las herramientas de comercio Forex más populares.

Análisis Técnico y Fundamental.

En términos básicos, hay dos maneras de analizar un comercio de divisas. La lectura y el conocimiento de las noticias políticas y financieras en términos de ajustes de los tipos de interés, el comercio internacional y el bienestar económico general de los países se asocian con lo que se denomina análisis fundamental y son algo que todos los comerciantes deben considerar. El segundo tipo de comercio es el enfoque de análisis técnico, que incorpora gráficos de tiempo matemático y gráficos que utilizan los movimientos de la moneda histórica para hacer predicciones en el futuro. Después de determinar si el comercio fundamental, el comercio técnico, o una combinación de los dos es apropiado, los comerciantes novatos deben probarlos en una cuenta demo forex. Esto le permite ver los resultados de sus estrategias sin arriesgar sus inversiones. A partir de ahí es más fácil determinar la forma de riesgo de un comerciante que eres, y donde debe colocar sus órdenes de stop / limit. Las paradas y las órdenes límite son precios prearranged que indican posiciones, máximos y mínimos, cuando los comerciantes quisieran salir de los mercados, para protegerse contra pérdidas masivas. Pero sobre todo, los comerciantes deben darse cuenta de que lo que están dispuestos a arriesgar también debe ser lo que están dispuestos a perder.

El establecimiento de los tipos de cambio

El desarrollo de los valores monetarios globales y las tasas que se negocian son el resultado de muchos eventos, tanto concretos como psicológicos. El intercambio especulativo de divisas en la década de 1970 representó sólo el 20% del total de las transacciones internacionales de divisas. Hoy representa más del 95% de las transacciones actuales. El comercio de divisas ha llevado a enormes cantidades de dinero cambiando de manos sobre una base diaria como los inversores compran y venden monedas entre sí. Muchos factores afectan el valor de la moneda de un país, incluidos los ciclos económicos, los acontecimientos políticos, las políticas monetarias de los gobiernos y los bancos centrales, las fluctuaciones de los mercados bursátiles y los patrones de inversión internacional.

Comercio de divisas en línea

Dado que el comercio de divisas se realiza fácilmente a través de varios medios de comunicación, el comercio en línea es el más popular hasta la fecha, que hace que los costos de transacción más bajos en comparación con otras formas de comercio, tales como acciones o futuros. Los precios de la divisa también son extremadamente transparentes, debido en gran parte a la creación de la plataforma de comercio en línea. Tanto la transparencia como las bajas tarifas de transacción generan aún mayores oportunidades de beneficios en el comercio de divisas. Los comerciantes tienen la capacidad de saltar dentro y fuera del mercado de divisas con gran facilidad y grandes cantidades de capital no son necesarios para iniciar el comercio de divisas. Los precios de divisas tampoco son tan volátiles y por lo general se mueven en fuertes tendencias, reduciendo así el riesgo que soportan los inversores. Su tamaño, liquidez, fiabilidad y tendencia a moverse en fuertes tendencias facilitan la gestión de riesgos para los operadores de divisas, atrayendo a más y más personas a negociar divisas. Para el comercio de divisas se necesita una plataforma de comercio FX. Utilice una empresa establecida y regulada para hacer sus operaciones con.

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Nigeria is a better country for trading forex

By Moses Nosike

The partnership that is existing between Cyber Consult and its foreign partners gave birth to Instantforex in Nigeria, a trading forex company that has come to enlighten Nigerians on the techniques and success of trading forex in the country. Its experience in the industry helps also to ameliorate major challenges confronting industry players. Mr. John Igwe speaks to Saturday Vanguard Business on the rudiments of trading forex. Excerpts:

Instantforex trading, what value is it adding to forex trading in Nigeria?

Instantforex, as the name goes, is into forex trading. And when you talk about the value it is adding to the Nigerian economy, it has added value to industry players since its inception in the country through Cyber Consult Limited. It has also changed a lot of things for forex traders in Nigeria.

Again, with Instantforex in Nigeria, a lot of challenges associated with forex trading have been reduced almost to nothing. For instance, when we started it in 2006, we had several challenges, especially in the area of funding our accounts because brokers were not Nigerians but foreigners, and for this reason, you need to send money to countries where the brokers are located.

It was also difficult then to approach banks because of stiff conditions on creating forex account. On the side of brokers out there, you need to provide their requirements which are difficult to meet, but today it is no longer like that.

Now you can fund your account easily within ten minutes something that used to take a week. Likewise, you can make withdrawals in less than 24 hours because of a withdrawal card that will be given to you once you register either for our training or you have funded your account up to a hundred dollars. You can also fund your account through our office or bank.

What are the techniques of trading forex and how does the trading benefit industry players?

We have two fundamental techniques of trading forex which include technical and fundamental trading. The technical trading is that system of trading that is based on the trading chart where you have various indicators which you can use to trade in the market.

While fundamental trading has to do with the economy reports, factors that affect the economy of a country. We understand that no matter how developed an economy could be, such an economy faces some challenges and change in policies or politics etc. gives a trader an opportunity to make money.

These changes that occur is called fundamental trading in forex market. Those that focus on the chart are called technical traders, here we have indicators as mentioned earlier, the moving average which is very common. And some people trade on a pure chart, using the candle stick pattern to trade, that is what we call fire action trading system.

On the benefits of forex trading to industry players, especially the fundamental trading, it has made players in this industry look like micro economists, especially the fundamental trading, because through studies they have been able to understand forex trading as they can now predict or forecast what may likely happen in any given economy because they follow the trend either through the media or whatever.

How does Instantforex handle training?

We provide training for interested persons

because one needs training for understanding before you can trade forex. Reason is that, generally, any business you don’t have a good knowledge of, you are advised to undergo training before you can succeed. However, we package a series of trainings for a better understanding of forex market for beginners and teach them basic things about forex. We also train people in advance courses on forex.

These courses no doubt will position them to be disciplined while trading forex as they develop their own trading system that will help them succeed. In addition to that, they need what is called, money management skill. One should understand here that the market is not a get-quick-rich one, it’s not gambling, but you need to run it like a business, set up a long term goal for your achievement. If your aim and approach is to invest today and reap tomorrow you would get your fingers burnt as many have tried and failed.

Is the Nigerian business environment conducive for trading forex?

Some people will tell you that the Nigerian business environment is not conducive, but personally I say no. I have come across articles where even the whites say the best place for trading forex is West Africa and Nigeria is there. The reason is that the major active time of trading falls in our day time, 7 am – 5 pm.

This particular period is the best time one can trade. We have four sections in the market, basically three; the Asian, London and New York sections. The most active sections of this market is the London and New York. These sections fall on when Nigerians are awake and active, while other countries that want to trade at that particular time, need to remain awake to follow the market. Therefore, the Nigerian environment is very conducive for trading forex.

What are the challenges of trading forex?

The major challenges of trading forex is understanding the techniques and interest to follow a particular trading method. Secondly, the challenge of power supply. Power supply is very essential in almost every business enterprise especially in trading forex. In Nigeria there is no constant power supply that enables people trade all the time.

You need to make provision for it in order to trade normally. Access to internet is another challenge, because it is difficult to trade forex without the use of internet. A particular internet might be working or service provider on the other side is not working here.

But with the introduction of universal model you can swap your sim card. We achieved this through the service of four internet providers in Nigeria, MTN, Airtel, Glo, Etisalat etc. and if one can get all or some of these that could go a long way.

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A Look at the Nigerian Forex Market

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Traders have a great opportunity to trade currencies online by choosing any of the provided tradable securities on our trading platform. Consulte nuestra lista completa de instrumentos de negociación y / o tipos de swap que se cobrarán a cuentas no islámicas.

Why Trade with ONASIS

ONASIS Brokers offers clients the ability to trade currencies online with fixed low spreads as low as 1 pip. ONASIS proporciona un apalancamiento personalizado en cuentas de divisas de hasta 500: 1 y un requerimiento de bajo margen en todos los valores negociables. ONASIS es un intermediario de procesamiento directo (STP), lo que significa que todas sus órdenes de compra se pasan instantáneamente a nuestros proveedores de liquidez sin interferencia del concesionario en el medio (NDD).

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Nigeria - Forex Trading Services

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Nota: Toda la información de esta página está sujeta a cambios. The use of this website constitutes acceptance of our terms of service and customer agreement. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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ONASIS Brokers Account Opening Form

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Nigeria’s forex policy hurts ICT business: Spectranet


Image: Spectranet’s David Venn, Davendra Singh and Mike Ogor in Lagos. By BiztechAfrica

By Kokumo Goodie, Lagos, Nigeria

Inability to expand capacity by way of buying new equipment and inability to pay for equipment already ordered are some of the challenges confronting operators in the information communication technology (ICT) sector in Nigeria, no thanks to the policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) that has taken the dollar out of circulation, says Spectranet.

The policy has turned operators into debtors as they cannot get dollars to pay for equipment imported into the country, says the Chief Executive Officer of Spectranet, David Venn. Spectranet is a major internet service provider (ISP), reputed for offering high speed internet services, using the latest technology which is 4G or long term evolution (LTE).

Venn, who spoke with ICT reporters during an interactive session in Lagos, lamented that the policy has messed up planning, especially for businessmen that depend on imported equipment such as Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) to offer high quality services to customers in the country.

He further lamented that with the poor credit rating of the country in the international community as a result of the dollar crunch, accessing credit has become Herculean task.

Venn said even firms that had placed orders for equipment cannot pay again because the dollars to pay with are not available anywhere in the country.

According to him, the major challenge with the dollar drought is that the technology firm has the cash in naira but cannot get dollar to buy to pay for goods and services. According to him, international bandwidth requisite for the delivery of super fast broadband internet services and equipment are sourced from outside the country in dollars, lamenting that the forex squeeze has disrupted the capacity expansion plans of the firm.

He said in last year, naira exchanged for a dollar at about N160, adding that now, it officially exchanges for over N200. He said it is even difficult to get dollars at the N200 rate, stressing that it is sourced at N300, arguing that even at that, the forex is not there at all.

During an interactive session with reporters in Lagos too, the CEO of MTN Nigeria, Ferdi Moolman lamented that it has also become increasingly difficult to import equipment into the country because of the forex policy.

He said good service quality is a function of several factors one of which is the availability of BTS which serve as bridge between telecoms service end users and the network.

The inability to import equipment into the country therefore means that capacities will remain the way they are while the subscribers will be at the receiving end.


dollars forex spectranet


Vodacom Business Nigeria appoints indigenous CEO

Vodacom Business, Nigeria’s leading total telecommunications provider has completely Nigerianised its operation with the appointment of Mr. Lanre Kolade as its Managing Director. Lee mas

Konga. com appoints new CEO

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GrowthAfrica selects 19 East African startups for acceleration programme

GrowthAfrica, the leading East-African accelerator, has announced their current East-African cohort of innovative and scalable startups to participate in the two acceleration programmes in Kenya and Uganda respectively. Lee mas

Stanbic Bank Botswana launches mobile branch with ATM

Pan-African distributor First for Africa launches

Phoenix Distribution and First Distribution, both specialist distribution companies within the Epsidon Technology Holdings Group, have joined forces to form a new pan-African distributor, First for Africa. Lee mas

Botswana Data Centre hosts Uptime Institute

The Uptime Institute, a global independent technology research, analysis and professional services firm specialising in enterprise IT, hosted the Botswana Data Centre Breakfast Meeting on Tuesday 15th March, 2016 at Masa Square Lansmore Hotel. Lee mas

BTCL IPO breaks all records

The recently concluded BTCL Initial Public Offering (IPO) has surpassed all expectations from some sections of the local business community who had predicted a low response to the IPO. Lee mas

Zinox chief opposes naira devaluation

Nigeria’s foremost integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) conglomerate, Zinox Group, has opposed the clamour by some individuals and groups to devalue the local currency. Lee mas

FNBB launches eWallet Bulk Send payment solution

IFC, Fidelity Bank to expand digital financial services in Ghana

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has signed an advisory agreement with Fidelity Bank Ghana to expand agent and mobile banking in Ghana. Lee mas

Marketiva Nigeria | Marketiva Forex for Nigerian

Marketiva is an online broker which accept clients from Nigeria, Cote D'Ivore, and many more countries in the world. You can use Wire Transfer from Saving account or Domiciliary Account for deposit and withdrawal. You can use e-currency such as E-bullion, Libertyreserve, E-Dinar, and Webmoney for depositing/withdrawing money from Nigeria.

Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Marketiva Nigeria, Free Forex Trading on Marketiva

Marketiva is an online broker which accept clients from Nigeria, Cote D'Ivore, and many more countries in the world. You can use Wire Transfer from Saving account or Domiciliary Account for deposit and withdrawal. You can use e-currency such as E-bullion, Libertyreserve. E-Dinar, and Webmoney for depositing/withdrawing money from Nigeria.

Marketiva provides over-the-counter market making services in Forex, Funds, Indexes and Commodities; $5 cash reward, so you can start trading right away without depositing your own funds; trading on 1% margin; zero-interest on open positions, no market commissions; virtual and live desks within one account; industry standard variable spreads; latest news, alerts on market events, chat channels, 24-hour support, sophisticated and easy-to-use direct-trading charting tool, and the best online trading experience.

What is Marketiva? With more than 410,000 serviced users, 240,000 unique and live trading accounts, and more than 3.5 million live orders executed each month, Marketiva is one of the most popular over-the-counter market makers in the world.

May I open a test account and try the system first? Because live and virtual trading desks co-exist within one Marketiva account, you may try our system with a regular account and later use the same account for live trading. In any case, you can open your Marketiva account for free!

How much money do I need to start trading right now? With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, Marketiva allows you to start trading with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other over-the-counter market makers require at least $500 to start with.

Where and how do I start? Before you can start trading, you need to open an account with us (it is free) and download our trading platform (Streamster). To open your account, please visit: https://www. marketiva. com/index. ncre? page=open-account and to download Streamster please visit: http://www. marketiva. com/index. ncre? page=downloads page.

How secure is your software? Streamster uses industry-standard 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt the communication between you and the Streamster Server. Streamster protects your privacy by encrypting any and all data received and sent between Streamster and the Streamster Server, and by verifying the identity of the Streamster Server prior to any communication.


Please use valid informations such as Real Name, Full Address, Phone Number, Postal Code, City and Country. If you use fake informations, your account will be Automatically Deleted by Marketiva System.

You will need to provide Identification Document and Address Confirmation Document. Your Can use National Identity Card, Drivers License, Passport or any other Official Documents with your Name, Photo, and Full Address issued by Government. If your document does not have address. you will need to provide additional Address Confirmation Document. You can use any official document with your Name (at least family name), Full Address, and Official Stamp. Affidavit Letter, Bank Account Statement, Electric, Phone, Gas, or other Utility Bill will be accepted for address confirmation document, remember that all documents have to be in your own name with your full address.

Identification documents should be uploaded at: https://www. marketiva. com/index. ncre? page=identification page.

«LiteForex» - Best Forex Broker in Nigeria 2010

The contribution of LiteForex group of companies to the Nigeria online trading industry development was especially marked during Lagos seminar of November, 13 in 2010. An independent jury composed of online Forex traders association of Nigeria (OFTAN) representatives awarded LiteForex with the “Best Forex Broker in Nigeria 2010” nomination.

“Best Forex Broker in Nigeria 2010” nomination was established to estimate broker companies’ success and is awarded for sustained high-quality and proficiency of services. The criteria to award the prize for are: partnership reliability, quality of services, traders’ interest and confidence, competitive offers and innovation projects. Online Forex traders association of Nigeria (OFTAN) has underlined the leading part of LiteForex in the development of online trading in Nigeria and introduction of advanced technologies.

LiteForex has a cutting edge position in broker services segment of the market and is one of the chief companies judging by the number of clients and the quantity of open accounts in Nigeria.

LiteForex pays special attention to the growth of local representative offices and partnership relations and makes trading conditions suitable for each client.

“Best Forex Broker in Nigeria 2010” is an honorable distinction that proves LiteForex to have an advantage ground as a result of stable development of the group of companies in the region and a reputation of a reliable and open broker.

Developed by ITTrendex

Liteforex Investments Limited: Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands MH96960 Financial services provided by LiteForex Investments Limited. Copyright © 2005-2016 LiteForex. com

List of the best forex brokers for Nigerians:

We've decided to make a new list of forex brokers for Nigerians especially for beginners in forex trading.

Below is an ordered list of forex brokers for Nigerians who plan to either begin trading the forex market or are already professionals in forex trading but has decided to swap brokers.

Basically, these forex brokers are currently the top performers when it comes to flexibility of trading, payment processing, customer support and friendliness mainly for Nigerians and other supported countries.

Liteforex Nigeria: Liteforex Nigeria is my #1 recommended forex broker for Nigerians. Liteforex is one of the major forex brokers for Nigerians and everyone else who wish to start forex trading or looking for a better broker.

Liteforex presents Nigerians with an easy way to trade the forex market. With liteforex, you can easily manage your forex account, trade major currencies, and best of all, make profits!

Amazingly, live forex trading at liteforex can start with as low as $1. This is does not mean that you could use one dollar to make millions - definitely No! It only allows beginners to maximize and practice their trading with much lower risks.

As you may have known, liteforex has a branch in Nigeria making it the most popular forex broker in Nigeria. With liteforex, you will never have a payment problem as they accept most online payment processors available to us here in Nigeria. This includes local withdrawal to your savings or current account in Nigeria, Payza, Webmoney, Bank wire/transfer e. t.c. You can easily fund and withdraw from your liteforex account at any time.

Their support is also fantastic with prompt responses to all the questions you may have. The Meta4 trader offered by liteforex is a simple one with quick access to all your trading accounts.

Remember, they have a 24/7 live support that can always assist you even if you're confused. So, don't hesitate to click on the live chat button on their website if you find any difficulties.

Instaforex Nigeria : Instaforex is an Asian based forex broker. It ranks #2 in my listings for forex brokers Nigerians trade with. I call Instaforex the "Promo Forex broker". Each time, i visit the Instaforex website, they are always on promos and contest for its clients. Read more about Instaforex: Instaforex Review Major Nigerian payment processors are also accepted at Instaforex. Their trading platform is also nice and flexible, suitable for any grade of forex trader.

AGEA(Marketiva): I was pretty amazed when i realized that the popularity of Nigerians using AGEA as forex broker is rapidly increasing. I know this will probably be due to the simplicity of AGEA's Streamster trading platform including smooth transactions with the company. Like liteforex, you can start off trading with as little as $1 in order to minimize risks. Support is also prompt, friendly and easy to access even from your Streamster trading terminal! Read more about AGEA(Marketiva): AGEA(Marketiva) Review

Please stay tuned for more brokers as this post is constantly Updated


Hay muchos beneficios y ventajas a la negociación de divisas.

Here are just a few reasons why so many people are choosing this market: • No commissions. No clearing fees, no exchange fees, no government fees, no brokerage fees. Brokers are compensated for their services through what is called the bid-ask spread.

• No middlemen. Spot currency trading eliminates the middlemen, and allows you to trade directly with the market responsible for the pricing on a particular currency pair.

• No fixed lot size. En el mercado Forex, usted determina su propio tamaño de lote. This allows traders to participate with accounts as small as $250 (although I explained why a $250 account is a bad idea).

• A 24-hour market. There is no waiting for the opening bell - from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon EST, the Forex market never sleeps. This is good for those who want to trade on a part-time basis, because you can choose when you want to trade--morning, noon or night.

• No one can corner the market. The foreign exchange market is so huge and has so many participants that no single entity (not even a central bank) can control the market price for an extended period of time.

• Leverage. In Forex trading, a small margin deposit can control a much larger total contract value. El apalancamiento le da al comerciante la capacidad de obtener buenos beneficios y, al mismo tiempo, mantener el capital de riesgo al mínimo. For example, Forex brokers offer 200 to 1 leverage, which means that a $50 dollar margin deposit would enable a trader to buy or sell $10,000 worth of currencies. Similarly, with $500 dollars, one could trade with $100,000 dollars and so on. Pero el apalancamiento es una espada de doble filo. Sin una adecuada gestión del riesgo, este alto grado de apalancamiento puede conducir a grandes pérdidas y ganancias.

• High Liquidity. Because the Forex Market is so enormous, it is also extremely liquid. This means that under normal market conditions, with a click of a mouse you can instantaneously buy and sell at will. You are never "stuck" in a trade. You can even set your online trading platform to automatically close your position at your desired profit level (a limit order), and/or close a trade if a trade is going against you (a stop loss order).

• Free “Demo” Accounts, News, Charts, and Analysis. Most online Forex brokers offer 'demo' accounts to practice trading, along with breaking Forex news and charting services. All free! These are very valuable resources for SMART traders who would like to practice their trading skills with 'play' money before opening a live trading account and risking real money.

• “Mini” and “Micro” Trading: You would think that getting started as a currency trader would cost a ton of money. The fact is, compared to trading stocks, options or futures, it doesn't. Online Forex brokers offer "mini" and “micro” trading accounts, some with a minimum account deposit of $300 or less.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

I have here a few tips and pieces of advice to follow when trading spot forex, like I always say, forex trading is not for everyone so be sure you really want to go into it before you take the plunge.

1. Never add to a losing position.

2. Always determine a stop and a profit objective before entering a trade. Place stops based on market information, not your account balance. If a "proper" stop is too expensive, don't do the trade.

3. Remember the "power of a position." Never make a market judgment when you have a position.

4. Your decision to exit a trade means you perceive changing circumstances. Don't suddenly think you can pick a price, exit at the market.

THE MARKET HAS CHARACTER 5. In a Bull market, never sell a dull market, in Bear market, never buy a dull market.

6. There are times, because of lack of liquidity, or excessive volatility, when you should not trade.

7. Trading systems that work in an up market may not work in a down market.

8. There are at least three types of markets: up trending, range bound, and down. Have different trading strategies for each.

9. Up market and down market patterns are ALWAYS present, merely one is more dominant. In an up market, for example, it is very easy to take sell signal after sell signal, only to be stopped out time and again. Select trades with the trend.

10. A buy signal that fails is a sell signal. A sell signal that fails is a buy signal.

11. It's always easier to enter a losing trade.

12. If you are feeling superstitious; don't trade if something bothers you.

1. Trade the Breakout The principle behind trading the breakout is to enter a trade when the price ‘breaks out’ of a tight range, because often it tends to keep moving in the same direction. We use our our charts to spot this trading opportunity.

2. Trading Tops and Bottoms Trading tops and bottoms can be more risky than the other two strategies because you are trading against the trend i. e anticipating that the market is overbought/oversold and might turn in the other direction. It is best to use the 10 or 15 minute charts for this method. It is more risky using the 5 min charts, but you still can apply the same techniques.

When to EXIT trades The goal of this trading guide is to teach traders to take 5-20 pip profits at a time. You can set profit LIMIT orders to achieve this, or you may want to move your stops as your position becomes more and more profitable. **Make sure that you don’t let a winning trade become a losing one, by using trailing stop orders.

How to use HEDGING to your advantage Hedging can be a useful tool to the Forex trader. When you have an open position, for example, you are long on a USD/JPY trade and you right click your trade on the platform, a menu will pop up and you have a choice to Hedge your trade. If you click Hedge, you will automatically open up a position in the opposite direction at the current market price without canceling out your other position and without margin increase. In the above example you would now have a USD/JPY trade long and short. You will now neither gain or lose any equity in your account because the gains and the losses will cancel each other out. Hedge in an emergency: Hedging a losing trade won’t solve your problems, but it will 1. Keep you from more losses 2. Give you time to think about what happened to your bad trade and 3.Give you a second chance. Some traders will hedge losing trades instead of stopping out there position, because they have a chance to win back the losses of the original bad trade.

Example: You are looking to ‘Trade the Trend’ so you go long on the EUR/USD, using the indicators. The indicators signaled BUY so you opened up a position. In case of a bad trade, you choose to hedge instead of using a stop loss (be careful when doing this). Your ‘Trade the Trend’ indicators didn’t work and your position goes against you, you hedge your trade. Now you have a losing position and a winning position going in the opposite directions. You didn’t use up any more margin. Qué haces ahora? My recommendation: When your position is hedged, you are safe and you won’t lose any more money in your account. Here is what you should do: 1. Wait until another chart set up occurs and proceed to step 4. or Exit the trading platform. 2. Wait till the next trading day or session 3. Look for the DTF indicators the next day. 4. Instead of opening up another position, simply get rid of the bad position that was hedged. So if the indicators the next day signaled long in the EUR/USD, like in the above example, then you would get rid of the short, losing hedge and hope that the price will rise enough to erase the previous days losses to make a profit. 5. If your position moves against you again you can hedge that position again and repeat steps 1-4. Hedge a winning trade: You may also hedge a winning trade to protect your gains, if you don’t want to completely close your position. When you do this you won’t gain or lose any more money with that position. The advantage to this would give you the opportunity to keep trading those positions in the future and give you a break. You can always right click on your position and choose ‘close with hedge’ to close both positions at once. If you hedge a winning position you can follow the above steps 1-4 to keep trading your position the next trading day. ** Please note that hedging can get complicated. Try to keep it as simple as possible and try not to have a web of hedged and unhedged positions open at the same time—as it becomes exponentially more difficult to keep track of, and what positions to let go etc. ** Hedging is also optional and you don’t need to learn how to use this tool if you choose not to. You can be a successful trader by simply using stop and limit orders. Understanding Risk Management

Understanding risk management is a very important reality when trading the Forex Markets. Losing trades will happen, and managing those losses are the key to success. A good rule of thumb when setting your stop losses is the 5-7% rule. If your trading account is at $2000, then set your stop loss so that you don’t lose more than 5-7% of the total value of your account. If you used this rule in this case, you would stop out a losing trade when you were down $100-$140. This is important, because if you don’t manage your losses well, you can easily lose 50% of your trading account on 1 bad trade. You do that a couple of times and you will lose all of your risk capital. It is better to take smaller losses and try to maximize your winning trades. So be careful and deliberate when setting your stops on your trading platform. Step 6. Open a Live trading account Now that you understand the basics and have been demo trading, you are now ready to open a live trading account and join the Trade trading team. If you have found this step-by-step currency-trading guide useful and helpful and if you decide to open up a live trading account through me, I will personally give you the customer service and support to assist you with your new account.

Wale Ketiku COO forexnigeria. com

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

The goal of this guide is to instruct and teach potential traders how to trade the currency markets. The objective of trading is to trade the forex market and move to try to gain small to medium sized profits in any given trading day. This is how this guide will help. Most readers will not have the time or resources to ‘position trade’ like the major institutions and banks do. They (major institutions) tend to look at the big picture holding onto trades for weeks or months.

The Forex Profit System FPS, is specifically designed for use with the 1, 5 or 10 minute charts, with the goal of taking 5-20 pip profits per trade—closing bad trades out using tight stops, or hedging any losing trades. The following steps will show you how to do this.

Step 1. Choose an online Forex Firm

What to look for in an online Forex Broker:

A. Low Spreads. In Forex Trading the ‘spread’ is the difference between the buy and sell price of any given currency pair. The lower the spread saves the trader money. Most firms offer 4-5 pip spreads in the Major Currency pairs. The best firms offer clients 3-5 pips.

B. Low minimum account openings. For those that are new to trading, and for those that don’t have thousands of dollars in risk capital to trade, being able to open a mini trading account with only $250 is a great feature for new traders.

C. Instant automatic execution of your orders. This is very important when choosing a Forex firm. You want instant execution of your orders and the price you see and ‘click’ is the price that you should get. Don’t settle with a broker that re-quotes you when you click on a price or a broker that allows for price ‘slippage’. This is very important when trading for small profits.

D. Free charting and technical analysis You need a firm that gives you access to the best charting and technical analysis available to active traders. The firm that I recommend gives clients FREE professional charting services and even allows traders to trade directly on the charts.

E. High Leverage You want high leverage—the ability to trade a large amount with a small margin deposit. The brokers I recommend offer .25% or 400:1 such leverage.

F. Hedging Capability You want the flexibility of opening positions on the same currency pair in opposite directions without them eliminating each other and without margin increase.

After a lot of research and personal experience, I have discovered forex brokers that will ensure your return on investment and enhance your stay on the trading floor of the forex market.

Step 2. Open a ‘Visual Trading’ Cuenta Demo

The first step to trading the currency markets is to open a demo account. It is important that you learn how to buy and sell the currency pairs, set stop losses, set profit limits, and understand how leveraged margin works when you trade. I found the best way to learn this is by constant practice. To set up your FREE charting from FOREXNG, simply go to their website and open a demo account. The charting package in this demo account rivals any Forex Professional charting service and you will be able to set up the technical indicators that will aid you in your trading decisions. You can also reach me by email to send you a demo on CD.

Stop Order: Is a price you enter into an open position, where the trading platform automatically closes your position when the Exchange rate touches that level. If you are in a winning trade, you can move your stop up or down to protect profits. If the exchange rate never hits that level, then the Order doesn’t get filled.

**tip1: If you are in a winning trade, you can move your stop to your entry level, so that if your trade moves against you, the platform closes your position without any losses. **tip2: You should be comfortable setting your stop Order at 15-20 pips. If you can’t handle a 15-20 pip loss, then you are need to trade smaller amounts. This will help you from over leveraging your trading account.

Limit Order: Is a price you enter into an open position for the trading platform to automatically close your position at a profit. For example, you might set your limit order at a 15 pip profit. If the exchange rate never hits that level, then the Order doesn’t get filled.

Step 3: When to Enter and Exit Your Trades:

We will be looking at 3 different ways to trade in the Forex Market. In a trading session, you may look for 1 or more of these approaches. The 3 techniques are as follows: 1. Trade the Breakout 2. Trade the Trend 3. Trading Tops and Bottoms Before we look at these trading approaches, let’s answer a question or two that is often asked by new traders.

When is the best time to trade? Because the Forex Market is open 24hrs a day, and traded on a global scale, the question to ask is, ‘when should I trade?’. The good news is that no matter what time zone or hemisphere you live in globally, there are always good opportunities to trade. The three major trading ‘sessions’ are as follows (all in Eastern Standard Time): 1. New York open 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 2. Japanese/Australian open 7:00 PM to 3:00 AM 3. London open 3:00 AM to 8:00 AM

**Often, the best times to trade is at the beginning 3-5 hours of the above mentioned opening times, because the major currency pairs tend to move the most in a particular direction.

Wale Ketiku COO Forexnigeria. com

Foundations: Before we begin looking at the specifics of the FPS (Forex Profit System) and how it works, let’s look at 4 building blocks that I believe to be foundations to it.

Currency Trading is not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme.

Currency trading is a SKILL that takes TIME to learn. Skilled Traders can and do make money in this field, however like any other occupation or career, success doesn’t just happen overnight. Here is a great ‘formula’ for success:

Practice + Patience + Persistence = Profits

As they say, there is no substitute for hard work and diligence. Practice trading on a demo account and pretend the virtual money is your own real money. Do not open a live trading account until you are profitable trading on a demo account. Stick to the plan and you will be successful.

It is highly recommended that you follow 1 or 2 major currency pairs only. It gets far too complicated to keep tabs on all currency pairs or the majors. I also recommend that traders choose one of the majors because the spread is the best and they are the most liquid.

The Euro/USD is the most commonly traded pair and usually has the best ‘spread’ because of its liquidity.

The USD/Swiss Franc is usually the most volatile and moves the most during the trading week. The USD/Yen moves a lot on the news out of Japan and normally the Pound Sterling/USD is more stable in it’s moves than the other three.

Follow and understand the daily Forex News and Analysis of the professional currency analysts. Even though this system is based solely on technical analysis of charts, it is important to get a view of the currency markets and the news that affects the prices. It is also important that you know and understand what the key technical ‘support’ and ‘resistance’ levels are in the currency pair that you want to trade. Support is a predicted level to buy (where currency pair should move up on the charts), resistance is a predicted level to sell (where the currency pair should move down on the charts). Fortunately, all the best Forex news and analysis is offered free on the Internet. Here is what you should do first:

*While you are reading the daily news and technical analysis, write down on a piece of paper what direction the analysts are saying about the major currency pair you are following and the key support and resistance levels for the day.

A. Go to http://www. forexnews. com/ and you will find 24hr news and analysis on the spot FX markets. The site will give you the big picture of how the economic calendar and central banks affect the currency markets. A great resource.

B. Then go to www. fxstreet. com and click on the ‘Top Forex Reports’. Here there is a wonderful listing of all the major daily currency analysis and forecasts with support and resistance and direction forecasts.

Learn how to use the technical indicators in this course and always trade with stop losses!. It is worth your time to be patient and learn how to use the technical indicators on the charts that you will be reading about shortly. It is important when you are trading Forex, to be disciplined and to stick to a plan. Don’t just trade your feeling. Use the technical indicators outlined and always enter in stop losses on every trade. Remember that everyone who trades has a different tolerance for losses. Depending on your risk capital, and strategy, set your stop losses accordingly.

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Trading in the currency market or dealing in foreign exchange on a regular basis is quite an interesting hobby. But, did you know that this hobby can also earn you plenty of money. ¡Sí! Forex trading is an excellent source of additional income for people who are willing to put in the time and effort. However, before you proceed towards understanding the details, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics. Here is basic guide for beginners who have been harboring aspirations to make it big in the domain of Forex trading. Know the terminologies Yes! This is not at all a complex task. In fact, this is the thumb rule of getting into any trade. All that you need to do is, invest a little time in research and understand the commonly used terms in Forex trading. For example, when you talk about Forex trading, some of the common terms are base currency, exchange rate, quote currency, etc. In the first phase of Forex trading, you should spend ample time on learning these terms by studying about them on the internet, reading books, etc. Understand a Forex quote Before you get into real time trading, make sure that you understand a Forex quote properly. In fact, if you have.

Learn Forex Trading Nigeria

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I have made thousands of dollars per month. Not from Google Adsense / adwords / SEO / Blog. But from forex trading. We hope you do not have negative thinking beforehand that forex is illegal / gambling and definite loss. Forex is legal and very profitable if you know how to trade correctly !

This website is founded by a young businessman at his early 30 years old who has made hundred thousand of USD. Not bad for a start, isnt it. Do not believe it. Bueno. Indeed we should not easily believe all the things you find on internet and may have to prove it yourself. We provide free $5 capital to Nigerian to start this online business. Compound the capital to $10, $100, $1000 or any amount you wish. It can be withdrawn at any time. Prove it directly! There is 24 hours 5 days a week support.

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PD. If you are not a beginner and you have been around forex trading for a while. It is strongly recommended to use our professional forex broker which has a lot of features and benefits. Please (Click here for more details)

Sign Up Now to get Free Real US$5 (Limited Offer) This process will take only 3 minutes to complete. You will get free $5 real money and $20000 demo money by signing up today. There is no guarantee the free $5 reward offer will be available tomorrow.

One person is allowed to open only one account ! In case we detect there are multiple accounts registered by the same person, such accounts will be suspended (or removed). And if he/she still repeat this illegal activity, all related accounts will be closed and blacklisted. This policy was introduced as a response to many related misuses in the past

You do not need to open separated demo account to try demo trading as the account you sign up will have both Demo and Real account in one single account .

You need to fill in your personal details correctly as shown on ID card or driver license to avoid account removal due to invalid informations.

Open Trading Account (Free $5)

Please read step by step registration procedure before opening an account with us. (Please click here to register) or click the button below.

Trading Account Registration Guide :

(*) Field with asterisk mark is required

Username (*): This is your nickname you are going to use while chatting with other trader, for example: traderfx, etc.

Password (*): Please fill in your password. (Write it down, and keep it in a safe place).

Re-type Password (*): Please retype your password above for confirmation.

First Name (*): Your Fist Name

Middle Initial: Leave this field blank

Last Name (*): Your Last Name (Surname). Please input your Middle Name in Last Name

Job Title : You can leave this field blank

Organization : You can leave this field blank

Street Address (*): Fill in the address written on your ID card, Driving license, Passport, or Bill.

Additional Address : You can fill this field with your current address if it is different with the address on your official documents

City (*): Fill in your city

Zip/Postal Code (*): Fill in your postal codes (Important. Please write down this information)

State/Province (*): Fill in your state or province

Country/Region (*): Fill in your country (sorry they dont accept US residents)

Phone (*): Your home phone number

Fax : You can leave this field empty

Mobile : Fill in your cellular number or leave this field empty

E-mail (*): Use a valid and active email (important to complete the registration process!)

Website : Fill in your website address (actually this info cant be seen by other trader) or leave this field empty

User Template (*): Standard Forex Trader

Coupon : You can leave this field blank (this is not discount coupon!)

Recovery Question (*): A recovery question that will be asked if you forget your password for example. what is your fathers middle name (Important. Please write down this information)

Recovery Answer (*): This is the answer of the question you use above, for example. John, if your father's middle name is John (Important. Please write down this information)

Education Level (*): You need to fill in Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Professional Degree, Doctorate, or at least High School Diploma or equivalent to be approved. Do not choose other options to prevent rejection !

Employment Status (*): You need to fill in Employed, Self Employed, Homemaker, or at least Retired to be approved. Do not choose other options to prevent rejection !

Annual Income (*): Please fill with amount more than $10000 to be approved

Net Worth (*): Please fill with amount more than $10000 or $25000 to be approved

Experience in Securities (*): Trading Experience in e. g. stocks, bonds, funds, etc. You need to fill in other than "None" for at least one of either Experience in Securities or Experience in Derivatives (please see next question).

Do not fill Securities and Derivatives question both with None. Otherwise your application may get rejected as trader must have enough experience in Securities OR Derivatives before start trading.

Experience in Derivatives (*): Trading Experience in e. g. forex, options, forwards, spots, futures, warrants, swaps, etc. Do not choose "None" if you have already chosen Experience in Securities with "None". Otherwise your application may get rejected !

Transactions in Securities (*): You may fill in amount of Securities transactions in 12 month in case you filled Experience in Securities other than "None". If you fill Experience in Securities None, you must fill in with None. Otherwise please fill in with at least 5-20 transactions.

Transactions in Derivatives (*): You may fill in amount of Derivatives transactions in 12 month in case you filled Experience in Derivatives other than "None". If you fill Experience in Derivatives None, you must fill in with None. Otherwise please fill in with at least 5-20 transactions.

Trading Portfolio Size (*): This is the amount of average porfolio size in 12 month. You need to fill in at least $10000, $25000 or more.

Traded as Professional? (*): You must fill this option with "No" (Important !)

Fill in a check / tick on the checkbox : I have read, understood, and agree with the Service Agreement under which Agea MM DOO provides it services and products. I have also read and understood the Risk Disclosure statement and I am willing and able to assume such risks.

Click on Finish . Your registration is completed

You do not need to open separated demo account to try demo trading as the account you sign up will consist of 2 account types. Demo and Real account in one single account .

Trading Account Verification

It is strongly recommended to verify your account after registering.

The benefits you will get after verification.

You can withdraw your fund

To prevent your account get suspended when you trade at public computer (same IP)

What does "Suspend" Status mean and why does your trading account get suspended ?

Suspend Status is a temporary block that usually happens when the same computer is used by several accounts at once . These rule is applied to avoid fraud, for example if 1 person makes more than 1 account. "One account one person" rule is to prevent the misuse of Free $5.

The same rule will also prevent more than 1 traders to trade on the same computer at the same time. So that other traders have to use a different computer to trade here.

Another alternative to allow more than 1 person trade on the same computer is to use another platform (Professional) which allow creation of more than 1 account on 1 computer: Professional Forex Platform

Special note for users who trade at cyber cafe, internet cafe, or public computer:

Before logging in to trading software (Streamster), you must verify your account by uploading ID card or Driving License (once only) to avoid account suspension. Unless you were registered at the computer that had never be used by another user.

When your account get suspended, you must verify your account by uploading scanned ID documents. Please note that you are not allowed and strictly forbidden to open more than 1 account. Doing this will make all of your accounts will be deleted, suspended, and blacklisted automatically by the system . And the same member will be permanently banned.

Documents needed for verification process are color scanned:

Picture Identification :


ID Card

Driver License

or other type of official document that contains Full name and Picture. (if your ID card or driving license contains full name, address, and picture on one card you can only use this documents for both fields)

Identification confirming the customer's address :

Utility Bill

Bank Statement

Driver License

It must mention the same name as written on Picture Identification document above. Please note that each file is limited less than 100Kb, they are not copies (black and white), and you have to upload your documents on both fields at the same time. Click here to verify your account

Posted by Trading Forex in Nigeria at 4:00 AM

There are 4 main windows in Agea Trading Software (Streamster):

Window number (1) contains "Forex", "Fund", "Indexes", and "Commodities" Tab. If you want to trade Forex then you can click on the relevant tab (Forex), the same thing applies to trade other instruments such as the Fund, etc.

Window number (2) contains "Charting", "Discussion", and "Latest News" Tab. Charting tab contains a chart / graph to monitor price movements of trading instruments based on the time scale shown in charting. X-axis refers to the date and time while the y-axis refers to the price of the selected instruments. Instrument price movements can be displayed in various forms, such as the line, bars and candlesticks, are shown from left to right. Discussion tab is a tab to chat with Agea traders, while Latest News Tab contains the latest economic news.

Window number (3) contains "Portfolio" and "Alert" Tab. Portfolio tab displays the position of market instruments and funds you have, in this tab there is a live trading desk which is your real fund, and a virtual trading desk which is a virtual fund for trading, and the default desk is a place to save money when you are going to make a deposits or make withdrawals. Right after signing up, every user will get free money either live or virtual, you can see that you have free $5 bonus funds in the live trading and the virtual trading's amount of $ 10,000.

Tab Alerts will inform you about current or the future market news. Alerts will be announced 5 minutes before the scheduled event takes place. There are so many different terms and abbreviations used to describe market news and events. These terms are usually used for economic institutions, instruments, business, reports, processes, etc. You can find detailed information of economic terms and abbreviations on http://www. wikipedia. org/

Window number (4) contains "Orders", "Trades," Positions "and" Account Center Tab. Orders Tab contains active Pending Orders and active Take Profit / Stop Loss. Trades tab contains the status of your Orders, have been executed or not. (you can ignore this tab as this tab is not important). Positions Tab contains information of open or closed orders. Tab Account Center contains all the information about your account, to make deposit / withdrawal, account profile, and others.

How To Make Order

From "Forex" Tab figure above we can see these data as follows:

Currency Pair: Available Trading Instruments

Last: Last transacted price

Bid: Selling price to Agea

Offer: The purchase price from Agea

Change: The difference of current price and 17:00 new york time opening price

High: The highest price of the current day

Low: The lowest price of the curren t day

Time: Time of the last price update

Open: Opening price of the current day (updated at 17:00 New York time)

Close: The closing price of the current day (currently running)

The easiest way to start trading at the current price (market) is to click on the currency pair you wish to buy in the "Forex" Tab. Click on offer to open buy / Long or bid to open sell / Short. When the Send Order window appears, you can set quantity to 1 or any amount you want and set Desk field to Live Trading (trade with real money) or Virtual Trading (Simulation). When you click OK, the order will be entered into the market.

Instruments: is the Currency Pair you wish to trade

Precio. At what price you intend to open order (if you use the Market Price Type, the Price field can not be edited as this means you order at the current market price. So you get the current available market price. However, to order a price other than market price, either above or below the current market price use Price Type. Limit or Stop )

Duration: Is expiration of pending orders (not applicable for the Market Order Type as market orders always have been executed). Duration is a function to automatically cancel pending orders when they have expired. To activate Duration, you need to set Duration Type to Good Till Date. Duration is optional and in case you do not want to use Duration (there is no pending orders expiration), please set Duration Type to the default setting / Good Till Cancelled, which means the pending order will always be active without any expiration.

In the contrary, if you want to use expired date for pending orders, then please set the Duration to the date you want, by previously set Duration Type to Good Till Date.

Quantity: It is the contract size or lot you use. Quantity is calculated in u nits :

Quantity 100,000 is equal to 1 regular lot (the same as volume 1.00 on metatrader platform )

Quantity 10,000 is equal to 1 mini lot (the same as volume 0.1 on metatrader platform )

Quantity 1000 is equal to 1 micro lot (the same as volume 0.01 on metatrader platform )

Exit Stop-Loss: Stop Loss Price level you want to use. Stop loss level is used to limit the loss when the market goes against trader's position or to protect profit you have got. The minimum Stop Loss level is 8 points away from open price. Note that Exit Stop Loss is calculated in price (not in point!). Stop Loss can be left blank and filled in later.

Desk: Desk choice is whether you use real money (live) or simulation / demo (virtual) money. To trade forex with real money use live forex desk, to trade forex with demo money use virtual forex des k. To trade " funds " instrument with real money. use live fund desk, to trade funds with demo money, use virtual fund.

Buy / Sell: Select Buy if you predict the price will rise. And select Sell when you predict prices will fall

Price Type:

Market: Order at current market price

Limit Order: To Buy below current market price use Price Type: Limit and set Buy / Sell: Buy. Untuk Sell di atas harga sekarang gunakan Price Type. Limit lalu set Buy / Sell. Sell. To Sell above current market price use Price Type: Limit and set Buy / Sell: Sell.

Stop Order. To Buy above current market price use Price Type: Stop and then set Buy / Sell: Buy. To Sell below the current market price use Price Type: Stop and then set Buy / Sell: Sell.

Duration Type: is the type of duration / expiration for pending orders (because the market is not a pending order, the duration type is not applicable)

Good Till Cancelled: is the default setting of Duration Type. This means pending order does not have expiration and will only be canceled if you cancel the order manually.

Good Till Date. is to set the expiration of active pending orders (not yet open). After setting Good Till Date, please fill pending orders expire date on Duration

Quantity Type: is Type Quantity / Contract Size which is Full or Partial. Currently the option that you can use is only Quantity Type: Full

Exit Target: is Take Profit level or the price of your target. Exit Target must be set at the minimum distance of 8 points away from Open Price. Note that Exit Target is calculated in price (not in point!). Exit Target can be left blank and filled in later.

If you still do not understand / confused please ask the customer support (the user with "i" character or triangle in front of the nickname) that are online (24 hours 5 days a week).

To ask for help from customer support staff, click "Groups" in "Discussions" Tab on the upper side of trading software, then click "Support" or "International Support" channel. click OK. Please note that it is NOT "International" channel. Customer Support staff will only be available on Monday morning at 4 am (GMT +7) (DST) / 5 am (EST) until Saturday morning 4 am (GMT +7) (DST) / 5 am (EST)

# The most Important thing when you are trading, please consider carefully the amount of "Available Margin" in "portfolio tab". Make sure Available Margin (availability of funds to withstand loss is not approaching 0! As when it is reaching 0, all of your open positions will be automatically closed forcefully by the broker (Closed by Margin Call). This means you will suffer a great loss if your fund / margin is not adequate. Therefore we strongly emphasize that you must carefully calculate availability of margin and amount of used lots. It will be dangerous if you use too large contract size / lot. To be safe, use approximate of 10% -50% of your capital. For example. $ 1,000 capital should use $100 margin (10% from 1000). $100 margin means to use 10000 quantity (1:100 leverage). If you want to use $200 margin (20% of $ 1,000 equity capital) then the formula is 100x margin you want to use (as the leverage used is 1:100) = 100 x 200 = 20,000 quantity. This means that the rest $800 ($1000-$200 margin) is your "Available Margin". Detailed explanation of Margin Call can be found in the Forex Tutorial 2

Posted by Trading Forex in Nigeria at 1:00 AM

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Forex Trading Nigeria

Why Barter Forex?

ENORMOUS VOLUME As was mentioned beforehand on, the forex bazaar dwarfs all banal markets of the apple in volume. It trades about $4 abundance EACH DAY. To put this in perspective, the New York Banal Exchange (NYSE) trades about $28 billion a day. The absolute U. S. banal bazaar trades about $191 billion daily. The Futures bazaar trades about $437 billion daily. None of these alike appear abutting to $1 trillion, abundant beneath several trillion. WHAT ADVANTAGE IS THAT TO YOU? Greater aggregate agency bigger fills on your orders (less slippage). Slippage is area you bang on a bazaar amount yet get abounding at addition amount by the time your adjustment can be filled. The added aggregate at anniversary amount level, the bigger those fills become. Therefore, the forex bazaar offers the atomic slippage of any market. Keep in apperception too that slippage is a “real” trading cost.

On top of bigger fills, the spreads are beneath which agency your costs are beneath and you can get into advantage eventually in this bazaar due to that. Typical spreads are 2-4 pips on the majors and 4-7 pips on abounding of the crosses.

NO COMMISSIONS You accept no commissions in this bazaar back you don’t accept to go through a agent on your way to the bazaar maker. You artlessly accord anon with the bazaar maker and accordingly you don’t accept a broker’s commission. This is a huge accumulation and allows you to get into advantage abundant eventually too. For instance, in stocks, you are answerable alert (a buy agency and a advertise commission). Ouch!

24 HOUR A DAY TRADING Unlike stocks, that barter alone 6 ½ hours a day, you can actually barter forex anytime 24 hours a day (Sunday black through Friday evening). So instead of accepting to barter at assignment (like bodies do all over America with stocks), they can barter afterwards assignment back they can absolutely accept some focus. So it doesn’t amount area in the apple you are or what about-face you work…you can barter forex. Added tradable hours agency added tradable opportunities.

Also, abounding important announcements appear out for stocks back you can’t alike barter them (before or afterwards the bell). In forex, you can barter currencies at the time of the account advertisement if you like.

NO RESTRICTIONS ON SHORT SELLING In stocks, they accomplish it adamantine to short. Por qué? They demand stocks to go up and not down. They demand an advancement bent to aid accumulated America in growing their banal prices. They accept no allurement to advice you abbreviate a abhorrent banal or one with crumbling earnings.

However, in forex, you can abbreviate aloof as calmly as you can “go long” (buy). The fills are aloof as quick. There isn’t any charge for a close to analysis for “shares to borrow” like in stocks. There are no “uptick rules” either. There’s none of that nonsense to anguish about.

Besides, in currencies, you are consistently activity continued one bill in the brace and about abbreviate the other. So they don’t affliction which one you are continued or are shorting.

WHAT IS FOREX? Forex stands for the adopted barter market. This is additionally referred to as the FX, Atom FX or Bill market. All of these names are aloof several agency of anecdotic the absolute aforementioned market.

This bazaar has been about aback the 1970’s aback currencies started to alter aback President Nixon took the U. S. off of the gold standard. Formerly, the U. S. bill was backed by gold and now it’s aloof backed by the “faith” in the government’s adeptness to annual and aback the currency.

However, alike admitting this bazaar has been about for such a continued time, it hasn’t been accessible to the retail accessible until the 1990’s and abounding bazaar makers didn’t alike get able-bodied accustomed until 2000 or after.

Formerly, alone the “big boys” could comedy about in this market. They usually had a minimum of $10 actor to $50 actor to bandy about in this market. It was aloof basically for banks and big institutions.

However, with the appearance of the internet, after on it was able to be opened up to the retail accessible as they were accustomed to barter in abate sizes that would be achievable for the “average Joe” to be able to handle.

SIZE OF THE FOREX MARKET The Atom Forex bazaar is the bigger banking bazaar in the world, with a aggregate of $4 abundance boilerplate circadian trading volume. Now let’s put that into perspective. The New York Banal Barter (NYSE) trades about $25 billion a day. So not alone does this dwarf the trading aggregate of America’s bigger banal barter but if you accumulated the aggregate of ALL banal markets about the world, you still haven’t equaled the circadian aggregate in the forex market.

Forex trading is artlessly the trading (exchanging) of money. It involves the accompanying affairs of one bill and the affairs of another. The “exchange rate” is what you will see quoted. This determines how abundant bill that addition bill can buy.

You will acquisition that there will be abounding factors that annual these barter ante to go up and down. Ultimately, the barter amount is bent by the aplomb that the apple collectively has in a accurate currency. This will be fabricated up of abounding facets: how their abridgement is doing, political stability, customer sentiment, the trend administration of these barter ante on the charts, etc.

WHERE ARE THESE CURRENCIES TRADED IN THE FOREX MARKET? The acceptable allotment about forex trading is that you don’t accept to “literally” barter money or set up adopted coffer accounts or any of that nonsense. No, it’s as simple as aperture up an annual with a forex banker (aka bazaar maker…some alike accredit to them as brokers). They aren’t technically brokers and that’s why there’s not a agency in this market. It’s because you are ambidextrous anon with the bazaar maker. Bazaar makers allegation spreads (the aberration amid the buy and advertise quote…which we’ll burrow into added later) and brokers allegation commissions.

In your banal allowance account, you acquire a buy agency from your banal broker, a advance amount from the bazaar maker and a advertise agency from your banal broker. So there are three fees by the time you’ve bought and awash a stock. However, in forex, you don’t accept the commissions and alike the advance you pay is beneath than that of stocks aback you accede how abundant bill you are controlling.

IMPORTANT NOTE HERE! Make abiding to accessible your annual with a able-bodied capitalized, adapted bazaar maker. I’ll advance some to analysis out here. There are abounding acclaimed bazaar makers out there such as: FXCM. com, Oanda. com, Forex. com. GFTforex. com, etc. Your bazaar maker alluringly needs to be adapted in one of the afterward countries: the U. S. Canada, the U. K. or Hong Kong.

These are the countries that adapt the best and authority their bazaar makers to the best acrimonious requirements. The aftermost time I checked, FXCM. com had the best aggregate of assets and adjustment in assorted countries. However, analysis all of this out for yourself at anniversary of these bazaar makers and see what you feel is best for you.

HOW ARE CURRENCIES TRADED? They are traded in pairs. Por qué? Because a bill can be able vs. one bill but anemic vs. another. Remember that bill ethics are the aggregate affect of investors about the world.

So if investors feel acceptable about the U. K. abridgement and worse about the U. S. economy, again the British batter (GBP) will accretion in backbone to the U. S. dollar (USD). However, at the aforementioned time, investors could still feel bigger about the U. S. abridgement than that of Japan. If so, the USD would go up adjoin the JPY (Japanese yen). So as you can see, it’s all about to what it’s actuality compared to. In the aboriginal instance, the U. S. dollar is beheld as actuality anemic (in allegory to the pound). In the additional archetype the “buck” was beheld as actuality able vs. the yen.

So these currencies are traded in the interbank bazaar through these forex bazaar makers. The bazaar makers set the quotes based off of the affairs and affairs pressures that they see due to the appeal for a bill vs. another.

Currencies barter in the atom forex bazaar as OTC (over the counter). That artlessly agency that they do not barter on a assertive appointed barter about the world. An archetype that you ability be added accustomed with is the NYSE and the NASDAQ. The NYSE is an absolute barter that has a concrete area area stocks are traded. The NASDAQ, on the added hand, is an OTC bazaar area there is no concrete abode that you would see these traded. They are aloof two altered agency that stocks are traded.

Generally, if you see a banal traded that has a 4 letter symbol, it’s traded on the NASDAQ. However, if it’s 3 belletrist or less, again it’s traded on an barter such as the NYSE.

An advantage of an OTC bazaar is that bazaar makers accept to attempt for your business added than a specialist would accept to on a concrete exchange. Therefore, this ends up alive in the absolute trader’s favor.

Forex Trading in Nigeria

Forex is a abbreviate anatomy for the FOReign currencies EXchange market. It is one of the best aqueous markets in the world, while actuality the better banking bazaar (daily boilerplate aggregate is about $3,2 abundance according to BIS report). Forex traders buy and advertise assorted apple currencies in adjustment to accretion accumulation on the currency’s bulk change.

The best traded bill pairs (major pairs) are EUR/USD (euro for U. S. dollar), GBP/USD (Great Britain batter for U. S. dollar), USD/JPY (U. S. dollar for Japanese yen) and EUR/JPY (euro for Japanese yen).

Forex trading is now accessable to anybody via on-line Forex brokers, which acquiesce trading with about any bulk of money and on a actual ample array of all-embracing currencies.

In Nigeria, Forex trading is acceptable added and added popular. It attracts bent and accomplished adolescent bodies with the befalling of earning profits via on-line activity. And if in the accomplished times Nigeria was advised a poor accompaniment with no absorption to Forex trading firms, now Forex brokers are acquiescently accepting Nigerian Forex traders.

But Forex should not be advised as the ’easy money’; to barter assisting and acquire a acceptable assets banker charge apprentice and practice. To abounding alpha traders’ abatement there are abounding acceptable educational abstracts in the Internet and the majority of them are free. Learning Forex can be a continued process, but can be additionally fun and interesting.

Here at ForexNigeria. org you will acquisition the answers to the afterward questions:

How to alpha trading Forex?

How to apprentice and adept Forex trading?

How is Forex adapted in Nigeria?

What to be acquainted of while trading Forex?

Myths about Forex trading

Frequently Asked Questions about Forex

What are added advantageous assets about Forex?

Posted by krishnamoorthi at 12:30 AM

Forex Rates Nigeria The Adopted Barter Bazaar In Nigeria

The change of the adopted barter bazaar in Nigeria up to its present accompaniment was afflicted by a cardinal of factors such as the alteration arrangement of all-embracing trade, institutional changes in the abridgement and structural accouterment in production. Before the achievement of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in 1958 and the achievement of the Barter Ascendancy Act of 1962, adopted barter was becoming by the clandestine area and captivated in balances away by bartering banks which acted as agents for bounded exporters. During this period, agronomical exports contributed the aggregate of adopted barter receipts. The actuality that the Nigerian batter was angry to the British batter admirable at par, with accessible convertibility, delayed the development of an alive adopted barter market. However, with the achievement of the CBN and the consecutive centralisation of adopted barter ascendancy in the Bank, the charge to advance a bounded adopted barter bazaar became paramount.

The added consign of awkward oil in the aboriginal 1970s, afterward the aciculate acceleration in its prices, added official adopted barter receipts. The adopted barter bazaar accomplished a bang during this aeon and the administration of adopted barter assets became all-important to ensure that shortages did not arise. However, it was not until 1982 that absolute barter controls were activated as a aftereffect of the adopted barter crisis that set in that year. The accretion appeal for adopted barter at a time back the accumulation was shrinking encouraged the development of a blooming alongside bazaar for adopted exchange.

The barter ascendancy arrangement was clumsy to advance an adapted apparatus for adopted barter allocation in accordance with the ambition of centralized balance. This led to the accession of the Second-tier Adopted Barter Bazaar (SFEM) in September, 1986. Under SFEM, the assurance of the Naira barter amount and allocation of adopted barter were based on bazaar forces. To enlarge the ambit of the Adopted Barter Bazaar Bureaux de Change were alien in 1989 for ambidextrous in abreast sourced adopted exchange.

As a aftereffect of animation in rates, added reforms were alien in the Adopted Barter Bazaar in 1994. These included the academic pegging of the naira barter rate, the centralisation of adopted barter in the CBN, the brake of Bureaux de Change to buy adopted barter as agents of the CBN, the reaffirmation of the abomination of the alongside bazaar and the cessation of accessible accounts and bills for accumulating as agency of payments sectors.

The Adopted Barter Bazaar was liberalised in 1995 with the accession of an Free Adopted Barter Bazaar (AFEM) for the auction of adopted barter to end-users by the CBN through called authorised dealers at bazaar bent barter rate. In addition, Bureaux de Change were already added accorded the cachet of accustomed buyers and sellers of adopted exchange. The Adopted Barter Bazaar was added liberalized in October, 1999 with the accession of an Inter-bank Adopted Barter Bazaar (IFEM).

Structure Of Nigeria's Adopted Barter Market

The Nigerian adopted barter bazaar has witnessed amazing changes. The Second-tier Adopted Barter Bazaar (SFEM) was alien in September, 1986, the unified official bazaar in 1987, the free Adopted Barter Bazaar (AFEM) in 1995, and the Inter-bank Adopted Barter Bazaar (IFEM) in 1999.

Bureaux de Change were accountant in 1989 to accordance admission to baby users of adopted barter and enlarge the clearly recognised adopted barter market. Barter ante in the Bureaux de Change are bazaar determined. A alongside bazaar for adopted barter has been in actuality back the barter ascendancy era. It has been accustomed that absence in the official area and authoritative procedures apprenticed the advance and development of the alongside market. Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria Forex Rates Nigeria

Posted by krishnamoorthi at 12:11 AM

Forex Trading in Nigeria

Welcome to Forex Nigeria. Get and allotment tips on how to barter successfully This website contains advice about Forex trading in Nigeria which bodies are begining to get added and added absorbed in appropriate now. Forex Nigeria recommends MARKETIVA

Forex Trading in Nigeria is acceptable actual accordant to a growing chic of bodies in Nigeria and added banal investors beyond the apple alignment from the average chic to Nigerians in Diaspora, acceptance and alike all-embracing investors are attractive for newer investments. Everyone seems to be attractive for advice about stocks and about Forex Trading Nigeria in adjustment to apperceive the aerial ROIs that acquire been appear about western African country in the accomplished 8 years.

What can i do with online Forex Trading in Nigeria? With online Forex trading, you can acquire dollars or added adamantine bill online and you can accomplish a accumulation on it alike while you sleep.

How do i alpha forex trading? To alpha forex trading, you charge aboriginal of all acquire a alpha up basic like $200, accessible a domicilliary annual and again assurance up online with a forex trading belvedere like marketiva. com or finexo. com

How do I get a forex trading account? To get a forex trading annual while in Nigeria, all you charge to do is to assurance up with that forex trading belvedere or agent who would actualize an acccount for you and acceptance you to buy and advertise forex online and accomplish a accumulation from it back they acceleration or fall.

How do I monItor my forex annual online? You can adviser your annual online with a reliable internet admission plan and log into your annual or trading belvedere and see back you are activity up or advancing down. If a apprentice is trading for you, you can apperceive the assorted transaction histories and see if you are annoyed with the activities of the robots so far. How do I add money to my Forex account? It mostly depends on how your agent accepts it. However best forex brokers acquire the accepted agency which are Alternative reserve, added ecurrencie and coffer to coffer transfers for beyond amounts.

How do I recieve my money?

You can recieve your money by agency of a domicilliary annual in Nigeria. You an appropriately accept your money by agency of e-currency like alternative reserve, if your agent supports this. This will acquiesce your agent to alteration your armamentarium so far to your Nigerian domicilliary acount or Alternative assets account. To accessible a domicilliary annual in Nigeria, you may charge an all-embracing authorization .

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Posted by krishnamoorthi at 11:53 PM

InstaForex - the best agent of Asia

InstaForex trading altitude are accepted accoutrement for funds administration at Forex market. The capital action band of the all-embracing Forex agent InstaForex is apprehension first-grade advance casework aimed at abstract accumulation authoritative from operating in the common banking markets.

InstaForex Company audience use the leading-edge technologies in the online-trading and they accept an admission to annual and advisory assets submitted by the above advice agencies.

Today, InstaForex casework are of a abundant absorption for added than 200 000 Forex traders all over the world, amid them there are beginners as able-bodied as professionals of Forex bill trading. Opening an annual you get an admission to Forex trading operations, CFD for NYSE shares and additionally to futures deals of Forex and article markets.

Posted by krishnamoorthi at 11:48 PM

Open Accepted Account Spread from 2 pips (additional advice in Trading Terms) Leverage from 1:1 to 1:500 (1:500 accustomed for accounts up to US$25000) Minimum antecedent drop US$25 No best antithesis limit Trading aggregate from 0.1 accepted lot, 1 pip is 1 USD about (1 accepted lot =100000 credibility of the abject currency) US$100 benefit for anniversary new annual afterwards 10 lots accumulated barter volume US$25 acceptable benefit afterwards aperture an annual (The Benefit will be added to your annual automatically afterwards the $100 of deposit) Open Micro Account Spread from 2 pips (additional advice in Trading Terms) Leverage from 1:1 to 1:500 Minimum antecedent drop US$1 Maximum antithesis accustomed is US$3000 (When the annual alcove a antithesis of US$3000 or more, the advantage will be bargain 100x (for archetype from 1:500 to 1:5). To acclimatize the advantage aback to the akin of your choice, you can abjure from your annual (or abutting some accident positions) to accomplish the antithesis beneath than US$3000, again you acclimatize the advantage from your MyFXOpen area. For added advice bang here.) Trading aggregate from 0.1 micro lot, 1 pip is 1 cent about (1 micro lot = 1000 credibility of the abject currency) *balance on micro accounts is adumbrated in cents US$1 acceptable benefit afterwards aperture an annual (The Benefit will be added to your annual automatically afterwards the antecedent minimum deposit) Open ECN Account 5th decimal appraisement (additional advice in Trading Terms) Interbank liquidity Spread from 0.5 pips Leverage from 1:1 to 1:500 (1:500 accustomed for accounts from US$1000 to US$25000) All absolute orders (Bid & Offer) go anon to orders book (Level 2 quotes) (Only for orders from 1 lot) Minimum antecedent drop US$1000 No best antithesis limit, no restrictions on stop and benumb levels Trading aggregate from 0.1 accepted lot, 1 pip is 0.1 USD about (1 accepted lot = 100000 credibility of the abject currency) Commission per 1 actor starting from US$23 per ancillary (depends on the Net Deposit) The Best best for Scalpers! Open FASS Accepted Account FXOpen Autotrading System Selector (FASS) annual blazon allows you to administer your portfolio by selecting strategies from a actual ample and activated list. For added advice bang here Spread from 2 pips. A markup of 0.25 pips is answerable on the accessory pairs and a mark-up of 0.75 pips is answerable on the above pairs and is payable to arresting providers (additional advice in Trading Terms). Leverage from 1:1 to 1:500 (1:500 accustomed for accounts up to US$25000) Minimum antecedent drop US$25 No best antithesis limit Trading aggregate from 0.1 accepted lot, 1 pip is 1 USD about (1 accepted lot = 100000 credibility of the abject currency) US$100 benefit for anniversary new annual afterwards 10 lots accumulated barter volume US$25 acceptable benefit afterwards aperture an annual (The Benefit will be added to your annual automatically afterwards the $100 of deposit) Open FASS ECN Account FXOpen Autotrading System Selector (FASS) annual blazon allows you to administer your portfolio by selecting strategies from a actual ample and activated list. For added advice bang here 5th decimal appraisement (additional advice in Trading Terms) Interbank liquidity Spread from 0.5 pips Leverage from 1:1 to 1:500 (1:500 accustomed for accounts from US$1000 to US$25000) All absolute orders (Bid & Offer) go anon to orders book (Level 2 quotes) (Only for orders from 1 lot) Minimum antecedent drop US$1000 No best antithesis limit, no restrictions on stop and benumb levels Trading aggregate from 0.1 accepted lot, 1 pip is 0.1 USD about (1 accepted lot = 100000 credibility of the abject currency) Commission per 1 actor starting from US$121 per side. Commission is across-the-board of FXOpen's accepted ECN fees and arresting providers fees and depends on the Net Deposit. The Best best for Scalpers!

Posted by krishnamoorthi at 11:36 PM

Trading Forex Nigeria

How to Alpha Forex Trading?

To alpha trading on the Forex bazaar you charge a computer with the admission to the Internet (preferably fast, but any affiliation will assignment if you won’t be scalping). On the Internet you’ll accept to accompany one of the on-line Forex brokers. There are abounding such brokers accessible nowadays; chose the one that is added adequate for you. A acceptable on-line Forex agent should:

Accept traders from Nigeria. Allow baby accounts and deposits, so you can try it with a little money afore starting a austere trading. Offer a array of acquittal methods for depositing and abandoning funds, abnormally WebMoney, e-gold or PayPal. Provide the acceptable means for trading — either a newbie affable trading belvedere or able MetaTrader platform. Be a acclaimed and accurate on-line company, to which you could assurance your trading account’s security. Have a fast adjustment beheading and funds transaction processing. Offer a committed on-line and on-phone support. As it was mentioned before, there are abounding Forex brokers available, but actuality presented is the annual of the best arresting assembly of the on-line Forex allowance market:

FXOpen — the agent that supports MetaTrader 4 trading platform; deposits/withdrawals via WebMoney, e-gold, Wire Transfer, CashU, e-Bullion and Liberty Reserve; micro accounts from 1$, mini accounts from $100; chargeless $25 bonus; approved trading contests; it operates for added than 1 year already and has a able multilingual abutment team. InstaForex — a rather new Forex agent that can avowal a advanced ambit of deposit/withdrawal options, one of the best altitude on the market, MetaTrader 4 trading belvedere and the 6% absorption bulk for non-Muslim trading accounts. InstaForex specializes itself on traders from Nigeria. FXcast — this Forex agent alien a 1 pip advance trading with its advocate FXcast Swing belvedere for baby accounts. It offers MetaTrader 4 belvedere for $10 and beyond accounts. FXcast offers about every accessible adjustment to drop and abjure funds from the trading account. LiteForex — a Forex agent with a actual ample affiliate abject and a continued history, it offers MetaTrader 4 platform; WebMoney, e-gold and WireTransfer as acquittal methods; accomplished abutment annual and a affirmed adherence of one of the best trusted Forex brokers. Cent accounts are allowed. Marketiva — the avant-garde of the newbie-friendly Forex trading, Marketiva offers a actual easy-to-use trading belvedere with a lot of functionality, as able-bodied as abutment babble and advisors’ chat; options for funds deposit/withdraw are WebMoney, e-gold, Wire Transfer, e-Bullion and E-Dinar. Cent accounts are allowed. Forex-Metal — an absolute online Forex and CFD broker. It has actual aggressive trading conditions: $0 agency on Forex trading, 1:500 leverage, Instant beheading of orders, adeptness to barter all instruments from a distinct account. Able aggregation with years of acquaintance to abetment you with trading. Chargeless audience accounts. State-of-the-art MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Daily FX news, archive and analysis. Over 40 FX pairs. Some above pairs with alone 2 pips spread. Sign up bonuses for new accounts available. After you accessible a trading annual with some Forex broker, you will accept to download its trading platform, drop the appropriate bulk of antecedent funds to your annual and alpha trading.

But to barter auspiciously you accept to brainwash yourself about Forex, abutting area of this armpit is adherent to the action of acquirements to barter on Forex.

Posted by krishnamoorthi at 10:33 PM

What is Forex (Foreign Exchange)?

Foreign Barter (FOREX) is the amphitheatre area a nation's bill is exchanged for that of another. The adopted barter bazaar is the better banking bazaar in the world, with the agnate of over $1.9 abundance alteration easily daily; added than three times the accumulated bulk of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Unlike added banking markets, the Forex bazaar has no concrete area and no axial barter (off-exchange). It operates through a all-around arrangement of banks, corporations and individuals trading one bill for another. The abridgement of a concrete barter enables the Forex bazaar to accomplish on a 24-hour basis, spanning from one area to addition in all the above banking centers.

Traditionally, retail investors' alone agency of accepting admission to the adopted barter bazaar was through banks that transacted ample amounts of currencies for bartering and advance purposes. Trading aggregate has added rapidly over time, abnormally afterwards barter ante were accustomed to float advisedly in 1971. Today, importers and exporters, all-embracing portfolio managers, bunch corporations, speculators, day traders, abiding holders and barrier funds all use the FOREX bazaar to pay for appurtenances and services, transact in banking assets or to abate the accident of bill movements by ambiguity their acknowledgment in added markets.

MG Financial, now operating in over 100 countries, serves all address of clients, absolute speculators and cardinal traders. Whether it’s day-traders attractive for concise gains, or armamentarium managers absent to barrier their non-US assets, MG's DealStation™ allows them to participate in FOREX trading by accouterment a aggregate of alive quotes, Real-Time charts, and account and assay that attracts traders with an acclimatization appear axiological and/or abstruse analysis.

UWC – Forex Broker Woos Nigerian FX Traders

Online Forex Trading has come to stay in Nigeria. A significant percentage of my first time visitors discover Nigerian Entrepreneur via their search for Trading Forex Online in Nigeria. That is kind of funny since FX is not my focus for this blog.

I have observed that over the years, more and more Nigerians are becoming active forex traders. Even though in time past some Nigerians made false claims about their forex trading expertise, the trend is gradually changing. We are beginning to have real professional forex traders who are earning reasonable income from online forex trading .

What Do I need To become a professional Nigerian Forex Trader?

On several occasion, I have received emails requesting that I explain to the sender how one can become a Professional Forex Trader without falling victim to those seminar gurus. Some have pleaded that I recommend a Forex Broker or a Professional Forex Trader who can coach a newbie into becoming a professional FX trader. Well, I had resisted the urge to do so because I am not all that knowledgeable in Trading Forex .

Last week, while discussing with a friend, he explained to me that two factors are needed by a newbie desirous of starting online forex trading business. There is need for a coach, that is an active trader (not a seminar teacher making empty claims). Also, there is need for a reputable Forex Broker. He warned me not to give out his name as a Forex Coach. I wonder why he doesn’t want to coach people. So folks looking for reputable coach, I’m still searching for one that I can recommend.

Well, for the second requirement, he recommended United World Capital . a foreign based Forex Broker that is currently wooing Nigerians. He stated that the company has special interest in Nigerian clients. That sounded unbelievable because even though I knew that Trading Forex is a Multi-billion Dollar Market with great potentials, I never knew that the activities of Naija brother and sister in the industry is beginning to attract international attention.

Well, I visited the official website of UWC, and I must say the website is quite user friendly. I have visited the official portal of several Forex Brokers, but United World Capital (UWC) seems to be different from them all. UWC webmasters seem to have taking into consideration some of the constraints that Nigerian FX Traders faces. They also have quite some mouth watering deals for both would-be traders and affiliates. I will mention some of the things I saw but I suggest you visit their website after reading my ramblings.

United World Capital Deals For Nigerian Forex Traders

I visited UWC website, and I decided to use their onine chat service. The rep that attended to me stated that UWC is focusing on becoming the best Forex Broker for Nigerian FX Traders. I was told they have some cool special offers for Nigerian clients. That will definitely bring a boost to Nigeria Forex trading opportunities.

Opportunity for Newbie Forex Traders – According to the rep, any Nigerian Trader that registers with them will have the opportunity of trading in different foreign currencies, gold, stocks and CFD. The required minimum deposit for a starter is $10 and they are willing to provide leverage up to 1:500. If you decide to start big and you deposit $50 you will be given a bonus $25. Well, for those with fat purse, a deposit of $300 will attract $100 bonus while 25% bonus goes to those making first deposit above $500. Quite tempting I must say.

Easy Account Funding Options – I guess they are aware that PayPal has not been so friendly to Nigerians. So they already put in place different options for getting fund deposited into your trading account. You can use AlertPay, Okay Pay, Western Union, Bank Wire Transfer, Money Bookers, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Neteller, WebMoney etc.

Easy Withdrawal of Fund – Withdrawal from trading account is equally facilitated via several options. So no more using PayPal palaver as excuse for not starting an online business. Beside the opportunity for would-be Forex Traders and Professional FX Traders, there is also another opportunity being provided for Nigerians by UWC. You can become their affiliate and earn money.

United World Capital Deal for Nigerian Affiliates

If you don’t know what an affiliate is, read my post UWC gives room for anyone to become their affiliate. They are promising $10 commission for every referral you send to them who traded lot (lot is the contract volume in forex) + $20 extra for every client that deposit more than $50. They are promising free website design and hosting for Nigerian affiliates who want a website. There is need to get more details on this though.

It doesn’t end there, they claim that any Nigerian affiliate who can provide 1000 traded lots per month or more will be considered for managing his or her own UWC office in Nigeria (please don’t be surprised if you suddenly start noticing UWC banner and text link on this blog). This offer is quite tempting. I’ve almost completed my registration as an affiliate.

What is in it For Nigerian Entrepreneur?

I know you’re beginning to suspect my motive for writing this article. Well, I will leave you to keep guessing. There is nothing wrong with me desiring to make money as a blogger or even becoming an affiliate of UWC. The important issue is that I have shared the same opportunity with you. So, go check out United World Capital deal for yourself. If you decide to take up the opportunity, when next you blog about your Nigeria Forex deals, do send me a love-link. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Well, that is the end of my ramblings. It is time you go to United World Capital official portal to get more details for yourself. Please drop your thought in the comment section. It will encourage me to keep writing. If you happen to know a Professional Forex Trader willing to become a coach to newbies, drop his/her contact in the comment section. That is just the missing factor we need to compliment the opportunity being offered by United World Capital for the newbie Nigerian Forex Traders. Aclamaciones.

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Trading forex requires your personal internet connection because you have to be able to watch the market movement at all times.

Guys don’t send anybody your email. Don’t give your email to anybody claiming to be a pastor. This is a new scam and will loose your money. It has happened before at almost all naija money making forum. example is nigeriainvesttorguru where someone claim is a pastor and ran away with people money. They even have fake website they use to fool people. If any pastor have any investment let him give naija people proof. U can fool the people sometime, but you can’t fool all the people all the time. Owner of forum investigate oh!

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Nigeria is a largely segmented country, with the northern and southern portions almost like two different countries, with different cultures and histories. In the northern portion of the country, trans-Saharan trade routes allowed the Kanem-Borno empire to grow strong. In the 12 th century, this part of the country adopted Islam, and Islamic states were born. The southern half developed several small states, with the Yoruba and Ijebu kingdoms being the most powerful. The Benin Kingdom also rose to prominence as a center of trade.

It wasn’t until the 15 th century that European contact first came to the region when the Portuguese began trading with the Yoruba people. Over time, the slave trade became quite prominent in the region. The more isolated Islamic states in the north remained outside of European influence until the 19 th century. It was in the 19 th century that Europeans began to establish colonies in the area. By the early 1900s, Britain had established control over the colony of Nigeria.

The colony was divided into two halves - the Christian southern portion and the Islamic protectorate in the north. The British allowed local kings and chiefs to carry out most of the work, and this strengthened the divisions in Nigeria even further.

Nigeria remained a British colony until the end of World War II. As nationalism grew after the war, demands for independence also grew. This led to changes within the British government that began setting Nigeria up for success in self-government. In 1954, the colony became autonomous as the Federation of Nigeria. Full independence came in October of 1960.

The new Federation of Nigeria had a parliamentary government with three self-governing regions. The country retained a monarch as head of state, but the parliament held full legislative power. A Federal Supreme Court held judicial authority. The first Speaker of the Nigerian House was Jaja Wachuku.

The largely segmented society struggled to create a unified government, and military dictatorships became the norm. In 1966, a coup led by the Igbo people put General Johnson Ironsi in charge as head of state. Just a few months later, another coup took place, and the Igbos were slaughtered in large numbers by Yakubu Gowon and his men. This led to civil war in 1967, when the Igbo people declared the independence of their land, Biafra.

The civil war lasted three years, and in 1970, a blockade of Biafra created a famine, and the Igbo people had to surrender after more than a million of them were killed.

In the 1970s, Nigeria struck oil, and this led to a period of national reconciliation as the people once again had money available. After a few more military coups, military leader Olusegun Obasanjo actually stepped down from power, allowing a civilian regime to take control.

This lasted for four years, until 1983, when a new military general, General Mohammed Buhari, forcefully seized control. A cycle of bloody military coups began again, lasting until 1998. That year, current leader Abacha died of a heart attack, and in 1999, elections occurred, bringing Olusegun Obasanjo to power, finally freeing the land of military control. The country was in tatters, but civilians were in control. When Obasanjo was re-elected in 2003, it finally solidified civilian rule in the country, paving the way for a future of democracy.

Unique Characteristics

Because of the difficult history of Nigeria, the Nigerian people are quite adaptable and can handle hardship better than many.

Three major ethnic groups, the Yoruba, Hausa-Fulani and Igbo, make up the majority of the populace of Nigeria. There are also several smaller ethnic groups in the country, making it very ethnically diverse.

While English is the official language of Nigeria, only around half of the people can speak it. There are over 250 languages in the country, many of which are tribal languages.

The people of Nigeria dress very conservatively, regardless of what ethnic group they are from.

Fun Facts

Every state in Nigeria has a town or village called Sabo.

In 1986, Wole Soyinka, London-based Nigerian writer, became the first black author to receive a Nobel Prize in Literature.

Nigeria is Africa’s most populated country.

Nigeria supplies as much as 15 percent of the oil used in the United States, and it is the 6 th largest oil producer in the world.

Nigeria is among the world’s top five producers of cocoa.

Both the lowland gorilla and the drill monkey, two of the world’s rarest animals, are found in Nigeria.

Top Destinations

Kano – As West Africa’s oldest city and Nigeria’s third largest, Kano has much to offer in the way of historic spots to explore.

Lagos – Lagos is the largest city in Africa, and the noise of the people and traffic is something you have to experience to believe. It is the place for an African urban adventure.

Calabar – Once a slave port, today, Calabar offers an excellent museum and two primate conservation areas.

Yankari National Park – This is an excellent place to search for African wildlife, and the Wikki Warm Spring is open for swimming.

Osun Sacred Forest – This World Heritage Site is a sacred sculpture park filled with tributes to old Yoruba gods.

Anambra – This city, which is in the middle of the Niger River, is an ideal place for a romantic overnight, and it is filled with traditional art.

Zuma Rock – Located in Abuja, this naturally occurring rock appears to have a human face when viewed from the right angle.

Benin City – Benin City is known for its thriving nightlife.

Barazahi – One of the top spas in Lagos, this is the place to go to unwind when the frenzy of the city begins to get to you.

Obudu Mountain Resort – Escape to the mountains of Nigeria in this luxury resort located near the border to Cameroon.

How to Get Cash

The only place to change foreign currency into naira is on the street. The banks do not change money. The good news is that the moneychangers in Nigeria are some of the most honest on the continent.

ATMs are very difficult to find in most of Nigeria, but you can sometimes find them in the cities and they are becoming more prominent in the heavily populated areas. Be prepared for the fees not only from your bank, but also from the ATM should you decide to go this route.

Traveler’s checks are not accepted anywhere in Nigeria.

Credit cards may be accepted, but you should be very cautious about paying with credit because fraud is so prevalent in Nigeria.

Should you face a cash crisis, Western Union has branches in just about every city in Nigeria. This is one of the most expensive ways to get money, but it can work in an emergency.

Posts Tagged 'forex signal in nigeria'

Trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. A possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial adviser if you have any doubts. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. LiveForexTradingSignals. com will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

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Forex Glossary ADX (Average Directional Index) — standard technical indicator that measures the strength of a trend. Ask (Offer) — price of the offer, the price you buy for. Aussie — a Forex slang name for the Australian dollar. Bank Rate — the percentage rate at which central bank of a country lends money to the country’s commercial banks. Bid — price of the demand, the price you sell for. Broker — the market participating body which serves as the middleman between retail traders and larger commercial institutions. Cable — a Forex traders slang word GBP/USD currency pair. Carry Trade — in Forex, holding a position with a positive overnight interest return in hope of gaining profits, without closing the position, just for the central banks interest rates difference. CCI (Commodity Channel Index) — a cyclical technical indicator that is often used to detect overbought/oversold states of the market. CFD — a Contract for Difference — special trading instrument that allows financial speculation on stocks, commodities and other instruments without actually buying. Commission — broker commissions for operation handling. CPI — consumer price index the statistical measure of inflation based upon changes of prices of a specified set of goods. EA (Expert Advisor) — an automated script which is used by the trading platform software to manage positions and orders automatically without (or with little) manual control. ECN Broker — a type of Forex brokerage firm that provide its clients direct access to other Forex market participants. ECN brokers don’t discourage scalping, don’t trade against the client, don’t charge spread (low spread is defined by current market prices) but charge commissions for every order. ECB (European Central Bank) — the main regulatory body of the European Union financial system. Fed (Federal Reserve) — the main regulatory body of the United States of America financial system, which division — FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) — regulates, among other things, federal interest rates. Fibonacci Retracements — the levels with a high probability of trend break or bounce, calculated as the 23.6%, 32.8%, 50% and 61.8% of the trend range. Flat (Square) — neutral state when all your positions are closed. Fundamental Analysis — the analysis based only on news, economic indicators and global events. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) — is a measure of the national income and output for the country’s economy; it’s one of the most important Forex indicators. GTC (Good Till Canceled) — order to buy or sell of a currency with a fixed price or worse. The order is alive (good) until execution or cancellation. Hedging — maintaining a market position which secures the existing open positions in the opposite direction. Jobber — a slang word for a trader which is aimed toward fast but small and short-term profit from an intra-day trading. Jobber rarely leaves open positions overnight. Kiwi — a Forex slang name for the New Zealand currency — New Zealand dollar. Leading Indicators — a composite index (year 1992 = 100%) of ten most important macroeconomic indicators that predicts future (6-9 months) economic activity. Limit Order — order for a broker to buy the lot for fixed or lesser price or sell the lot for fixed or better price. Such price is called limit price. Liquidity — the measure of markets which describes relationship between the trading volume and the price change. Long — the position which is in a Buy direction. In Forex, the primary currency when bought is long and another is short. Loss — the loss from closing long position at lower rate than opening or short position with higher rate than opening, or if the profit from a position closing was lower than broker commission on it. Lot — definite amount of units or amount of money accepted for operations handling (usually it is a multiple of 100). Margin — money, the investor needs to keep at broker account to execute trades. It supplies the possible losses which may occur in margin trading. Margin Account — account which is used to hold investor’s deposited money for FOREX trading. Margin Call — demand of a broker to deposit more margin money to the margin account when the amount in it falls below certain minimum. Market Order — order to buy or sell a lot for a current market price. Market Price — the current price for which the currency is traded for on the market. Momentum — the measure of the currency’s ability to move in the given direction. Moving Average (MA) — one of the most basic technical indicators. It shows the average rate calculated over a series of time periods. Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA) etc. are just the ways of weighing the rates and the periods. Offer (Ask) — price of the offer, the price you buy for. Open Position (Trade) — position on buying (long) or selling (short) for a currency pair. Order — order for a broker to buy or sell the currency with a certain rate. Pivot Point — the primary support/resistance point calculated basing on the previous trend’s High, Low and Close prices. Pip (Point) — the last digit in the rate (e. g. for EUR/USD 1 point = 0.0001). Profit (Gain) — positive amount of money gained for closing the position. Principal Value — the initial amount of money of the invested. Realized Profit/Loss — gain/loss for already closed positions. Resistance — price level for which the intensive selling can lead to price increasing (up-trend). RSI (Relative Strength Index) — indicator that measures of the power of direction price movement by comparing the bullish and bearish portions of the trend. Scalping — a style of trading notable by many positions that are opened for extremely small and short-term profits. Settled (Closed) Position — closed positions for which all needed transactions has been made. Slippage — execution of order for a price different than expected (ordered), main reasons for slippage are — “fast” market, low liquidity and low broker’s ability to execute orders. Spread — difference between ask and bid prices for a currency pair. Standard Lot — 100,000 units of the base currency of the currency pair, which you are buying or selling. Stop-Limit Order — order to sell or buy a lot for a certain price or worse. Stop-Loss Order — order to sell or buy a lot when the market reaches certain price. It is used to avoid extra losses when market moves in the opposite direction. Usually is a combination of stop-order and limit-order. STP (Straight Through Processing) — an order processing that doesn’t require any manual intervention and is fully automatic. In fact, 99.9% of all on-line Forex brokers support order handling with STP. Support — price level for which intensive buying can lead to the price decreasing (down-trend). Swap — overnight payment for holding your position. Since you are not physically receiving the currency you buy, your broker should pay you the interest rate difference between the two currencies of the pair. It can be negative or positive. Technical Analysis — the analysis based only on the technical market data (quotes) with the help of various technical indicators. Trend — direction of market which has been established with influence of different factors. Unrealized (Floating) Profit/Loss — a profit/loss for your non-closed positions. Useable Margin — amount of money in the account that can be used for trading. Used Margin — amount of money in the account already used to hold open positions open. Volatility — a statistical measure of the number of price changes for a given currency pair in a given period of time. VPS (Virtual Private Server) — virtual environment hosted on the dedicated server, which can be used to run the programs independent on the user’s PC. Forex traders use VPS to host trading platforms and run expert advisors without unexpected interruptions.

My purpose for writing this article is to demonstrate to you the advantages of trading on the Forex market. However, there is one myth that I want to dispel before I go further. The myth is that there is a difference between trading and investing. To dispel that myth I quote from Al Thomas, President of Williamsburg Investment Company, who wrote “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It”. He said “Everyone who invests is a trader, only the time period is different.” It is a lesson that I took seriously after taking a beating in the stock market in 2000. So now, let’s compare features of currency trading to those of stock and commodity trading. Liquidity — The Forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world around 1.9 trillion dollars traded everyday. The commodities market trades around 440 billion dollars a day, and the US stock market trades around 200 billion dollars a day. This ensures better trade execution and prevents market manipulation. It also ensures easily executable trading. Trading Times — The Forex market is open 24 hours a day (except weekends) which means that in the US it opens at 3:00 pm Sunday (EST) and closes Friday at 5:00 (EST), allowing active traders to choose the times they want to trade. Commodities trading hours are all over the board depending on which commodity you are trading. Including extended trading times US stocks can be traded from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm (ET) on weekdays. Leverage — Depending on your Forex account size, your leverage may be 100:1, although there are Forex brokers that offer leverage of up to 400:1 (not that I would ever recommend that kind of leverage). Leverage in the stock market can be as high as 4:1, and in the commodities market, leverage varies with the commodity traded but it can be quite high. Because the commodity markets are not as liquid as the Forex market, its leverage is inherently riskier. Although I was never shut out of a commodity trade by the day limit, the fear was always in the back of my mind. Trading costs — Transaction costs in the Forex market is the difference between the buy and sell price of each currency pair. There are no brokerage fees. For both the stock and the commodity markets, there are transaction costs and brokerage fees. Even when you use discount brokers, those fees add up. Minimum investment — You can open a Forex trading account for as little as $300.00. It took $5,000 for me to open my futures trading account. Focus — 85% of all trading transactions are made on 7 major currencies. In the US stock market alone there are 40,000 stocks. There are just over 200 commodity markets, although quite a few are so illiquid that they are not traded except by hedgers. As you can see, the fewer number of instruments allows us to study each one more closely. Trade execution — In the Forex market, trade execution is almost instantaneous. In both the equity and commodity markets, you count on a broker to execute your trades and their results are sometimes inconsistent. While all of these features make trading the Forex market very attractive, it still requires a lot of education, discipline, commitment and patience. All trading can be risky. by Susan Walker

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The Reality of Forex Trading in Nigeria

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Forex Nigeria

Forex is a short form for the FOReign currencies EXchange market. It is one of the most liquid markets in the world, while being the largest financial market (daily average volume is about $3,2 trillion according to BIS report). Forex traders buy and sell various world currencies in order to gain profit on the currency’s price change.

The most traded currency pairs (major pairs) are EUR/USD (euro for U. S. dollar), GBP/USD (Great Britain pound for U. S. dollar), USD/JPY (U. S. dollar for Japanese yen) and EUR/JPY (euro for Japanese yen).

Forex trading is now accessable to everyone via on-line Forex brokers. which allow trading with almost any amount of money and on a very large variety of international currencies.

In Nigeria, Forex trading is becoming more and more popular. It attracts purposeful and educated young people with the opportunity of earning profits via on-line activity. And if in the past times Nigeria was considered a poor state with no interest to Forex trading firms, now Forex brokers are gladly accepting Nigerian Forex traders .

But Forex should not be considered as the ’easy money’; to trade profitable and earn a sustainable income trader must learn and practice. To many beginning traders’ relief there are many good educational materials in the Internet and the majority of them are free. Learning Forex can be a long process, but can be also fun and interesting. to learn more please visit the website http://www. forexnigeria. org/

Brokers News

Alpari Re-Opens Office in Nigeria

Alpari. a global forex broker, announced that it has re-opened its doors for business on the Nigerian market. The news come just 2 months after the UK division of the company shut down its office in India and leave the developing country.

Alpari was one of the the first Forex brokers to set foot on the Nigerian market, opening branches in Lagos, Abuja and Port-harcourt back in May 2009. Three years later the Russian forex broker had to leave Nigeria and was replaced by FXTM - a Cyprus based forex broker, founded by Andrey Dashin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alpari.

Apparently due to changes in business conditions, Alpari has decided to return to Nigeria to continue offering services to its clients, offering products that only Alpari knows how to offer best.

More news about Alpari

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XM announces sponsorship of Saudi Arabia football club Al-Nassr

Mar 23 2016 17:55:50

Following the popular tendency, Cypriot Forex broker XM. com announced a partnership with Al-Nassr FC, the third most successful football club in Saudi Arabia. Lee mas

Exness announces unlimited leverage for forex accounts below $1000

Mar 23 2016 16:32:23

Online forex broker Exness announced today the launch of an exclusive service, Unlimited Leverage. It enables traders to open more positions and bigger lots starting out with just $1 (as this broker requires no minimum initial deposit). Lee mas

FXTM launches new CFD trading account

Mar 23 2016 15:26:09

FXTM strives to offer its clients the best opportunities to diversify their trading and empower their skills and knowledge. Lee mas

XM partners with forex rebate service provider PayBackFX

Mar 18 2016 16:38:23

Leading forex and CFD provider XM was included in PayBackFX’s list of supported brokers. PayBackFX is a project of UK FX analytical tools provider Myfxbook, that also developed the automated social trade copying service AutoTrade. Lee mas

2015 Financial performance: FXCM & Gain Capital compared

Mar 16 2016 14:31:02

Two of the leading US forex brokers Gain Capital (NYSE:GCAP) aka Forex. com and Forex Capital Markets aka FXCM (NYSE:FXCM) recently released data on their financial results for the full year 2015. Read more

February 2016 Monthly Metrics: FXCM & Gain Capital Compared

Mar 15 2016 17:06:48

Two of the leading US forex brokers have recently released data on its business performances in February 2016, Gain Capital and FXCM. Lee mas

Forex. com reports 31% increase in clients' deposits YoY

Mar 11 2016 16:58:59

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) published a report on Thursday, according to which registered brokerages’ combined client obligations data decreased significantly both MoM and YoY, by 8.2% and 12.2% respectively. Lee mas

FXCM’s client deposits reach $176.5 million in January

Mar 10 2016 15:20:59

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) published a report on Thursday, according to which registered brokerages’ combined client obligations data decreased significantly both MoM and YoY, by 8.2% and 12.2% respectively. Lee mas

FXTM launches live forex contest with $100 000 prize pool

Mar 08 2016 15:19:20

Award-winning broker FXTM always tries to come up with something new and challenging to its customers and FX traders on the whole. Lee mas

FXCM reports $11 average transaction cost per standard lot in 2015

Mar 01 2016 17:58:10

Today global online trading services provider FXCM Inc (NYSE:FXCM), famous for its transparency and investor protection policy, published data on spreads and trading costs for some of the most popular currency pairs for 2015. Read more

Latest forex brokers

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All textual content on ForexBrokerz. com is copyrighted and protected under intellectual property law. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com does not claim copyright over the imagery used on the website, including brokers' logos, stock images and illustrations.

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Market News

IronFX Boosts Global Presence via Nigerian Office

IronFX. the once-small Forex broker operating from the island of Cyprus, is simply growing its global network to incredible proportions with the latest pit stop for the company being one of Nigeria's biggest cities: Lagos. Just a fortnight ago IronFX announced that it's setting up an office in Lagos, which will be run by an associated company.

The move takes the number of representative offices that IronFX has worldwide to more than 20 – the opening of the new premises in Lagos comes straight after the company set its foot in Manila. the Philippines, while pressing ahead with its Asian expansion. Well, the broker now boasts offices from New York to Shanghai, and even in Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City.

The rationale for opening an office in Nigeria, a country which suffers from poor tech infrastructure, low-quality Internet connection and outbursts of violence, is far from clear. Still, as we've written in a previous article of ours, Nigerians have their Forex too and there are a number of pros for a Forex broker to do business in the sub-Saharan country.

One of these reasons is the low penetration of Forex companies in the country – the company will have a handful of rivals, if any. More importantly, the interest into online trading in Nigeria is growing and the number of traders is estimated around 500,000 – No está mal.

The regulatory climate for Forex brokers is rather mild too: the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN), which is responsible for the oversight of all financial activities in the country, permits any firm registered with an authorized dealer to run a Forex business. There are a number of restrictions, such as the cap on volumes of currencies bought and sold for a certain time period, but there are no capital requirements for Forex brokers, which is great.

One more advantage for running a Forex business in Nigeria is that the office hours can be normal (7am – 5pm) and still cover the busiest trading times of the London and New York sessions.

Obviously IronFX has made a wise move: let's see how it manages to profit from the new office.

About IronFX

IronFX is a Cyprus-based broker, regulated by CySec and specializing in Forex, CFDs on US and UK stocks, commodities, spot metals and binary options. The company was established in 2010 by an experienced team of Forex specialists and software experts aiming to create and offering an online trading environment with “One Account, Ten Platforms” trading functionality. Using the Meta Trader 4 (MT4) platform as a trading platform basis, combined with substantial in-house development, IronFX offers full access to strong liquidity, fast execution and a wide range of trading instruments, with spreads starting from 0 pips.

More news about IronFX Global

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Nigeria's central bank increased the foreign currency trading position for commercial banks on Thursday to 0.5 percent of their capital base from 0.1 percent, in a move to shore up interbank dollar liquidity.

Liquidity conditions have deteriorated as the naira has slumped to record lows because dollar inflows from foreign investment and other sources have dried up.

The central bank is having to intervene and sell dollars into the market, but that is burning up its foreign reserves.

According to a circular seen by Reuters . the central bank said funds sold to commercial lenders would be used for funding letters of credit, other invisible trades but should not be resold to bureau de change dealers.

The central bank had reduced dealers open positions from 1 percent to zero in a bid to stabilise the currency after it was devalued by 8 percent against the dollar in November.

Last week it allowed banks a 0.1 percent net position but warned them against carry trades or speculative activity.

The naira is at risk of speculative attacks as it is being hit hard by the slump in oil prices and by pressure on emerging market currencies as the dollar strengthens on expectations the United States will soon raise interest rates.

Nigerian currency dealers agreed on Wednesday to halt trading if there is a more than 2 percent intraday slide in the naira.

They said they fear the naira could head to 200 to the dollar, creating extreme volatility and adding to deteriorating liquidity conditions.

The naira opened at 188.50 to dollar on Thursday but quickly fell to 190.07 by 0841 GMT, after ending the previous session at a record closing low of 189.20 for a second straight day.

The central bank sold $178 million at 168 naira to the dollar at its twice-weekly forex auction on Wednesday, less than the $200 million it offered, dealers said.

Banks can earn trading revenues when the naira is weak through carry trades, by borrowing the naira to buy dollars which they resell at a higher level to make a profit.

That makes it difficult for genuine forex users to buy dollars when liquidity is tight.

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In Nigeria: Forex reserves fall to a new low

The Nigeria’s forex reserves hit below $30 billion for the first time since 13 July 2015. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is highly concerned about this development.

An aerial view shows the central business district in Nigeria's commercial capital of Lagos (image from Business report website)

Gross reserves slipped to $29.92 billion on November 30, the first time they have fallen below $30 billion since July 13. The foreign exchange reserves fell to $30.04 billion by November 26 from $30.10 billion the month before According to figures released by the CBN, the reserves were down 18.6 percent on the year from $36.9 billion in the same period in 2014.

They have fallen by 20 per cent since the end of June 2014, when Brent crude prices began a more than 60 per cent plunge, hammering Nigerian finances. The CBN said the continuous pressure on the foreign exchange market was due to the rise in the internal demand for dollars.

According to the bank, the price of crude oil at the international market stood at 44.27 dollar per barrel as at November 30, putting more pressure on the Central Bank of Nigeria's (CBN) bid to defend the naira and avoid a devaluation. CBN had already implemented restrictions on the import of non-essential products.

The apex bank’s decision to defend the naira through selling dollar to the parallel market on a weekly basis made the reserves fall to $30.69 billion in September – a short fall from $31.63 billion on the figures from August – and 22.42 percent less than it was in September 2014. In October however, the CBN shifted the naira peg from 197.96 to 197, following a fall of over a billion dollars in reserves within the month.

“ With the oil price remaining low, the pressure isn’t dissipating ,” said Ikechukwu Iheanacho . who manages N40 billion ($202 million) of stocks and bonds for Lagos-based Chapel Hill Denham Securities .

Meanwhile, the Debt Management Office (DMO) has disclosed plan to raise N50 billion ($251.26 million) in local currency denominated bonds maturing in February 2020 and March 2024.

Emerging-market investors including Aberdeen Asset Management Plc, AllianceBernstein and Investec Asset Management have sold Nigerian bonds and stocks this year to avoid what they see as an inevitable devaluation.


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Nigeria’s Forex Reserves Down By $5bn

Nigeria’s financial markets have been hard hit by the effect of dwindling crude oil prices hurting Africa’s largest economy with depleting forex reserves of $29.342 billion, the lowest in eight months. President Muhammadu Buhari’s N6.08 trillion 2016 budget with renewed hope announced on Tuesday could not stop the bleeding stock market which closed with market captalization of N9.124 trillion on Wednesday, down from N11.478 trillion in fourth quarter last year. In the money market, the inability of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to meet traders demand for forex heightened pressure on the dollar, forcing the Naira to crash at N280 per dollar in the parallel market a fortnight ago. In April this year, news of Muhammadu Buhari emerging winner of the 2015 Presidential Elections on March 31, 2015,had triggered off exponential increase in the Nigerian Stock Exchange All Share Index which recorded about 10 consecutive days of gain. The 8.4 per cent lift recorded in the first trading day was the biggest gain recorded by any Exchange all over the world so far this year. Yet, as at August, Nigerian Stocks lost a total of N2.46 trillion in value since President Buhari was announced winner. From a market capitalisation of N12.13 trillion on the second of April 2015, it closed at N9.67 trillion on Wednesday August 26, 2015. Since then, the stock market has recorded months of volatility as local and international investors have remained in the dark due to the absence of government economic policies. The Chief Executive Officer of The Nigerian Exchange (NSE), Oscar Onyeama had attributed the poor start of the market in 2015 to worsened strong political concerns, increased uncertainties about the future of the country in the build-up to the general elections. These, together with the economic uncertainties, caused more foreign investors, who dominate the market, to dump their shares. Institutional domestic investors such as the Pension Fund Administrators, spooked by the uncertainties, reduced investment in the stock market in favour of fixed income instruments such as bonds, while the retail investors were unable to mop up the stocks in the market even though the prices were at lows. Consequently, the NSE All Share Index, which stood at 34,657.15 points in the last quarter of 2014, fell to 26,871.24 on Wednesday, representing a drop of 22.5 per cent. A stockbroker, Mike Ezeh, MD/CEO, Crane Securities Ltd, said there was the need for the regulators in the capital market to relax pressure on the demand for enforcement of the minimum operating standards, the compliance of which has put additional financial burden on the operators who had scaled through the last recapitalization exercise. He also wants the list of the market operators who did not meet the minimum requirement published to eliminate fake practitioners and ensure transparency and integrity in the market. In the money market, the failure of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to meet the demand of businesses triggered off the free fall of the Naira to 280/dollar before rising to 270/dollar last week. The decision of the CBN to cut the amount it sold to each of the 2,270 Bureaux de Change (BDC) operators that participated in the previous day’s sale to $10,000, down from the $30,000, aggravated the fall. The Director, Monetary Policy Department, CBN, Mr. Moses Tule, blamed the free fall of the Naira on speculators whom he accused of taking positions on the currency with a view to making excess gain from currency trading. According to Tule, currency speculators were determined to put severe pressure on the monetary authorities in order to ensure that the CBN further devalued the naira. The financial market was further jolted in September when American Bank, JP Morgan said it would eject Nigeria from its Government Bond Index (GBI-EM) by the year end, unless the country restored liquidity to currency markets in a way that allowed foreign investors tracking the benchmark to transact with minimal hurdles. Reaction was swift as all Nigerian stocks listed in the MSCI frontier market index fell by more than 3 percent, while bond yields spiked across maturities. However, the CBN in response, said the phasing out of FGN Bonds from the Index did not amount to a downgrade of Nigeria or FGN Bonds since J P Morgan was not a credit rating agency. It said the decision would not have any impact on the quality of the FGN Bonds and re-affirmed that the FGN Bonds remained risk-free securities that were backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal Government of Nigeria and are charged upon the general assets of Nigeria.

On the foreign reserves, the continued defending of the Naira by the CBN has led to the loss of more than $5 billion this year. The reserves which stood at $34.493 billion in January 5, this year fell to $29.342 billion on Wednesday, representing a drop of 15 per cent. The dwindling crude oil price which last week fell to $31.49 per dollar has forced the Federal Government to opt for local and international borrowing of $1.8 trillion to fund the budget deficit of N2.22 trillion, equivalent to 2.16 per cent of Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A financial analyst, CEO, Proshare Nigeria Limited, Femi Awoyemi said the financial markets have been subjected to prolonged socio-political and economic challenges during the year while awaiting direction of government policies. He said with the formation of the cabinet and announcement of the budget, 2016 promised to be a better year, but added that it was only those who would adapt to the unfolding changes would benefit from such adjustments.

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Forex speculators from Benin Republic, Ghana, others invade Nigeria

by Collins Nweze, February 22, 2016 at 12:46 am in News

FOREIGN exchange (forex) speculators from Benin Republic, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Ghana and other African countries are cashing in on the wide margin between the official and parallel market rates to make huge profits, The Nation has learnt.

The speculators are moving in huge dollar deposits to meet the rising demand by Nigerian importers and other buyers requiring dollar to pay their children’s school and medical fees.

Although the exchange rates are high, the urgency and necessity left the buyers with no option than to buy from the parallel market.

The official exchange rate has remained at N197 to a dollar in the last six months, creating a huge gap between the official or interbank rates and parallel market rates.

Confirming the development, President of the Association of Bureau De change Operators of Nigeria (ABCON) Aminu Gwadabe said over $100 million inflow was recorded last Friday.

He said this led to a temporary appreciation of the naira against the dollar.

The naira, on Friday, traded at N365 to a dollar – from N391 the previous day – because of the liquidity the dollar inflow brought to the market.

Gwadabe said by Saturday, the naira again depreciated against the dollar as it exchanged at N375 to a dollar, adding that the volatility is expected to continue this week.

“Foreigners are taking advantage of the naira situation. We have 18 countries within the continent where the naira is accepted. The speculators are coming in because of the huge gap between official and parallel market rates,” él dijo.

Gwadabe said exporters, mainly from Dubai, have agents in Nigeria, who accept naira from importers at agreed dollar rates.

The importers travel with certified invoice to bring in the goods, a practice, he said, reduced pressure on the naira.

“In my view, the CBN should address the supply side of the market by allowing oil companies and banks to sell dollar to bureau de change operators as a measure to reduce pressure on the naira,” él dijo.

Tumbling global oil prices have battered Nigeria’s crude exports, with foreign exchange reserves down to an 11-year low at $27.85 billion.

The Federal Government is concerned that further naira depreciation would hurt Nigerians, but the CBN’s refusal to revise the pegged exchange rate widened a gap between official rates and the parallel market.

Managing Director of Cowry Assets Management Limited Johnson Chukwu said economic agents “are rational, and will go to where their values will be maximised or their risk minimised”.

He said Nigeria did not have the financial resources to solely develop its economy in the short to medium term and that current global social architecture made absolutely closed economic borders impossible.

“The crisis in the economy seem to be worsening since the crash in oil prices from about $115.09 (Brent crude spot price) on June 19, 2014, to $34.83 (Brent crude) today.

“This is despite a barrage of monetary and administrative policies introduced by the CBN to stabilise the exchange rate and restart economic growth.

“While the CBN has been active in trying different options, business managers and investors are still waiting for the managers of the fiscal policies to present their response to the crises, which should be harmonised with those of the monetary authorities,” él dijo.

Chukwu insisted that while the CBN effectively maintained the official exchange rate at N197 to a dollar, it has been impossible for it to meet the legitimate demand at the official window at the stipulated official rate.

“It is the backlog of unmet demand, which has spilled over to the shallow parallel market and driven down the naira,” él dijo.

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Central Bank of Nigeria headquarters, Abuja

Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves have fallen by over $1.1 billion from $28.98 billion recorded as of January 4, 2016 to $27.86 billion reported on February 11 by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Oil prices have plummeted from an average of $60 per barrel when Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves were about $34 billion 12 months ago to an average of $30 per barrel in 2016.

As a result of protracted slump in prices of oil and reduced government revenues, the CBN has resorted to unconventional measures to protect the country’s FX reserves. In June last year, the apex bank banned the sale of foreign exchange for the importation of about 41 items. More recently, the CBN stopped the sale of forex to bureau de change operators and also suspended the daily auction of forex to commercial banks.

At the end of its Banker’s Committee meeting on Thursday, CBN officials hinted that the apex bank could tighten its forex policies further by stopping the sale of forex to pay for overseas school fees and medical bills.

Tokunbo Martins, the CBN’s Director of Banking Supervision, said the demand for forex for the payment of school fees and medical bills is crowding out the demand for forex by the real sector such as manufacturing, agriculture, solid minerals among others.

“We need to focus on the real sector,” Martins said. “The pressure on foreign exchange now from school fees abroad is significant. At what point do we begin to look inward? The pressure on medical is significant. At what point do we begin to look inward? And I think as Nigerians, we also need to be patriots in terms of our sentiments.”

The forex restrictions have led to increased demand for dollars from alternative sources leading to the weakening of the naira at the parallel market to about N325 against the dollar as of February 11th. The CBN has kept its official exchange rate at N199 per dollar.

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Trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. A possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial adviser if you have any doubts. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. LiveForexTradingSignals. com will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

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President Muhammadu Buhari has said that Nigeria cannot afford to sell forex to parents seeking to fund their children education abroad.

Buhari said his position on the forex allocation issue followed a discovery that the high demand for forex by parents of the students studying abroad to pay their wards’ tuition fees had been putting unnecessary pressure on the Naira, which in turn affects Nigerian economy.

Convinced that the practice is responsible for the current free fall of the currency, Buhari said the country could no longer continue to sell dollars to parents to sponsor their wards in schools abroad.

He, however, said any parent who could afford forex outside of the official window could go ahead.

According to him, “those who can afford foreign education for their children can go ahead but Nigeria cannot afford to allocate foreign exchange for those who decide to train their children outside the country. We can’t just afford it. That is the true situation we are in.”

The president also frowned on those who received foreign exchange from the Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) to buy pharmaceutical products abroad but divert same to make more profits.

He said the culprits would be pursued, arrested and prosecuted.

“Anybody who is given dollars by the CBN to import pharmaceuticals and decides to go and sell at parallel market in order to make, maybe additional N100, we will pursue them and punish them”, the president vowed.

Speaking on the state of economy and the pressure to devalue the Naira. president Buhari stated that Nigeria was prepared to go against the advice of the International Monetary Fund( IMF) in that regard.

He maintained that the devaluation of the Naira would not be beneficial to Nigeria, saying the country was purely an import nation.

With some analysts and foreign institutions, including from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), calling on the Federal Government to devalue the naira, Buhari said he will not reconsider his insistence on freezing the currency.

Buhari said as Nigeria “virtually imports everything, from rice to toothpicks”, it cannot afford to devalue its currency.

”If it is against our national interest, why can’t we go against the IMF advice?” Buhari asks.

He also stated that despite the plummeting crude oil prices in the international market, it would benefit Nigeria to remain in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

“Under my leadership, Nigeria will not withdraw from OPEC. Between 1976 and 1979, I served as petroleum minister, I very much value the institution of OPEC and I think Nigeria will make the necessary sacrifice remaining in OPEC.”

Buhari’s election campaign rode on pledges to root out corruption and quash the armed group, Boko Haram. Yet, Boko Haram remains active in many areas of Nigeria, seemingly able to strike at will. And many questions are being asked about whether Buhari’s anti-corruption drive is yielding results and if newer forms of corruption are emerging with a freeze on the naira.

The president essentially spoke about his campaign against graft and the fight against Boko Haram.

Asked to comment on the anti-terrorism war, the president heaved a sigh of relief that no local government area of Nigeria was under the control of the Boko Haram insurgents as was the case when he assumed office in May 2015.

Buhari also spoke against the agitation by separatist groups.

He specifically stated that Nigeria will not tolerate the state of Biafra.

According to him, over two million lives were lost during the Nigeria civil war between 1967 to 1970 on the demand of a Biafran state.

The president, who spoke against the backdrop of the renewed agitation for the actualisation of the Republic of Biafra, said: “At least two million Nigerians were killed in the Biafra war. And for somebody to wake up, may be they weren’t born, looking for Biafra after two million people were killed, they are joking with the security (of Nigeria) and Nigeria won’t tolerate Biafra.”

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The Central Bank of Nigeria switched from RDAs to WDAs.

The re-introduction of the Retail Dutch Auction System (RDAS) would ensure transparency in Nigeria’s Foreign Exchange Market, Bismarck Rewane, a financial analyst and Managing Director, Financial Derivatives Company, a diversified financial institution has said.

“The re-introduction of the RDAS ensures transparency in the forex market, as banks have to disclose the details of all transactions. This is expected to curb currency osmosis (or round tripping by banks) and currency speculation. The implication of this would be a reduction in the demand pressure and a short term appreciation in currency value,” he said.

Since all foreign currencies are now subject to the Central Bank’s approval (an indirect ban on currency importation), we expect to see a reduction in cash availability. The Bureau de Change (BDC) segment would be most affected as the Central Bank has also restricted the maximum forex sale to operators in the segment to $250,000 weekly.

“The downside to this is a possible depreciation of the naira at the BDC as supply flow decline. Nonetheless, the increased ceiling in debit/credit card usages implies that travellers are less likely to demand for cash to make transactions, provided the switch from cash to cards is done,” he said.

The central Bank of Nigeria recently suspended the Whole Sale Dutch Auction system and replaced it with the Retail Dutch Auction System. In its circular dated September 26, the Central Bank also stated that the receipts of proceeds of international money transfers be paid in naira, while at the same time increasing the ceiling on the naira debit and credit cards allowance to $150,000 from $40,000.

The importation of foreign currencies into Nigeria is now subject to CBN’s prior approval. In addition, the regulatory body revoked the operating licenses of 20 Bureaux de Change (BDC) dealers.

According to Mr. Rewane, the immediate impact of the above measures on the naira has been nil, with the currency trading flat at N155.75/$, while losing 73kobo and N1 at the inter-bank and parallel markets respectively (between September 30 and October 3).

However, there was a noticeable decline in the demand pressure at the RDAS conducted on October 2nd, with the Central Bank selling 62.33 per cent or $186.99 million of the $300 million offered.

“In conclusion, these measures have been put in place to stem currency weakness and ensure stability in the forex market. However, the question is if these measures are a just a band aid covering a festering wound or a lasting solution to the fight for exchange rate stability,” he said.

According to the Central Bank, the difference between the retail DAS and WDAS is that under the retail DAS, end-users are allowed to bid through their banks. Under the WDAS, Authorised Dealer banks, bid on their accounts and the successful banks would then sell to their customers.

The Central Bank has in recent times, shown commitment to Naira Stability. At the last Monetary Policy Committee meeting, the Central Bank however raised concern about the increasing dollarisation of the economy resulting from excessive political spending due to the upcoming 2015 elections. The regulatory body highlighted the persistent domestic foreign exchange demand pressures from political activities, and increasing dollarization of the economy by the political class as threats to forex stability.

“The stability of the exchange rate reflected the commitment of the Central Bank to supporting the currency at a time of massive depreciation in the currencies of emerging and frontier countries (Indian rupee [-18.5%], Indonesian rupiah [-15.4%], Brazilian real [-13.7%], South African rand [-9.9%]). This is expected to moderate given the US Fed stance to continue its expansionary monetary policy till the end of the year” Afrinvest West Africa, an investment institution said, adding that this has increased pressures on the BDC segment of the market as seen with the N6.8/US$ or 4.3 per cent spread as at September 2013.

“The Central Bank’s decision to suspend the WDAS was driven primarily by concerns of the dollarization of the Nigerian economy. A closer look at the exchange rates offered at the WDAS and the rates offered at the BDC segment of the market highlights the divergence in rates offered at both markets (155.75 at the WDAS and 161.00 at the BDC)” Oluseye Feyisitan of Afrinvest West Africa said.

According to him, this divergence highlights a fundamental issue with the demand supply dynamics of U. S Dollars. The suspension of the WDAS and the introduction of the RDAS will help the Central Bank track the foreign exchange better in the long term through the introduction of a mandatory KYC system introduced at the BDC segment, he said, adding that the receipt of money transfers in Naira is also an attempt at curbing the dollarization of the economy” he added.

“As reported in the Central Bank’s Trade and Exchange note dated September 26 2013, Nigeria is currently the largest importer of U. S dollars which poses major questions as to the destination of these funds and if these uncontrolled channels can be used as a source for money laundering. We believe these measures by the Central Bank will be accompanied with short term pains but and longer term benefits,” he said.

Zenith Bank Takes Lead in Forex Allocation from CBN


Bank returns on the utilisation of foreign exchange bought by commercial banks from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) last week have shown that Zenith Bank Plc with $23,006,130.65 reported the highest amount of forex purchased for its customers.

The central bank had stated that the publications were meant to improve transparency in the allocation of forex to the banks, adding that it was agreed that banks would be publishing their returns weekly.

Zenith Bank displaced First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FirstBank) with an allocation of $19,592,883.79. FirstBank the week before posted the highest returns on utilisation of forex bought from the CBN.

FirstBank was followed by Stanbic IBTC Limited with $18,233,471.82, while Diamond Bank Plc with $15,014,943 came in fourth.

Standard Chartered Bank, Nigeria, reported returns of $13,822,206 to occupy the fifth position, Access Bank Plc reported returns of $13,811,929.15 to occupy the sixth position, just as Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTBank) reported returns of $13,628,377.70 to occupy the seventh place, while Ecobank Nigeria Limited reported returns of $10,014,449.67.

Also, while Citibank reported returns of $8,727,660.51, Sterling Bank Plc published returns of $8,516,484.73, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc — $8,031,320.09, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc – $7,808,531.06 and Fidelity Bank – $6,639,431.81.

For the third week in a row since banks started publishing the returns, invisibles such as school fess and business and personal travel allowances, in terms of volumes, accounted for the highest number of forex allocations, while other invisibles such as repatriation of capital, divestment by foreign portfolio investors from the equities and bond markets accounted for a large chunk of forex purchases, in terms of value.

However, top bank officials explained to THISDAY that the returns were not in any way reflective of total demand by the banks on behalf of their customers, saying that what the central bank was trying to address were the backlog of forex demand.

“On average, our returns or allocations are just about 10 per cent of total demand, which means that the CBN is unable to meet forex demand on the official market.

“It is for this reason there is so much pressure on the parallel market, where businesses that are unable to get their forex requirements met through the official window turn to,” a bank CEO explained.

For Zenith Bank, its returns on utilisation of forex bought from the CBN showed that the bank sold $23,006,130.65 it was allocated to 345 customers. Of this, payment for school fees abroad got the highest allocation in terms of volume, but it also sold dollars to some of its corporate customers for visible items such as the importation of raw materials, among others.

With respect to FirstBank, of the 741 customers on its list, only 11 accounted for visible items, while the rest was allotted to tuition fees.

Stanbic IBTC returns, on the other hand, reflected a large number of divestments by foreign portfolio investors comprising Brown Brothers Harriman/Stanbic Nominees, HSBC Funds Services London, JPM (JP Morgan) London, JPM Securities, Northern Trust London, State Street/Stanbic Nominees, Credit Suisse International, and the Bank of New York.

Forty-seven of the bank’s transactions out of 126, were for divestment purposes. Others went to raw materials, machinery importation and other visibles.

In the same vein, Diamond Bank sold forex to 253 customers. Of the total, 174 bought forex for school fees, 25 for PTA, while the rest went to the importation of visible items.

For Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Limited, of the 251 customers in its returns, the bank sold dollars to 137 to pay school fees. Also, like other banks, it sold dollars for the importation of visible items such as electronic materials, petroleum products and industrial spare parts, among others.

Similarly, Access Bank sold dollars to 187 of its customers, but while 143 of the bank’s customers got forex for PTA and school fees abroad, 47 of them were allocated forex for the importation of visible items.

In contrast, Citibank Nigeria dealt mostly with multinationals. It sold forex to 59 customers including Procter and Gamble Nigeria, Unilever Nigeria, Nestle Nigeria, Emirates Airlines and Friesland Campini (WAMCO).




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What is Forex (Foreign Exchange) Market?

El mercado de divisas (forex, FX o mercado de divisas) es una forma de intercambio para el comercio global descentralizado de monedas internacionales. Los centros financieros en todo el mundo funcionan como anclas del comercio entre una amplia gama de diferentes tipos de compradores y vendedores durante todo el día, con la excepción de los fines de semana. EBS and Reuters' dealing 3000 are two main interbank FX trading platforms. El mercado de divisas determina los valores relativos de las diferentes monedas.

El mercado de divisas ayuda al comercio internacional ya la inversión al permitir la conversión de divisas. Por ejemplo, permite a una empresa en los Estados Unidos importar bienes de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, especialmente los miembros de la zona del euro, y pagar euros, aunque sus ingresos sean en dólares de los Estados Unidos. También apoya la especulación directa en el valor de las monedas, y el carry trade, la especulación basada en el diferencial de tasas de interés entre dos monedas.

En una transacción típica de divisas, una parte compra una cierta cantidad de una moneda pagando una cierta cantidad de otra moneda. The modern foreign exchange market began forming during the 1970s after three decades of government restrictions on foreign exchange transactions (the Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states after World War II), when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.

The foreign exchange market is unique because of the following characteristics:

its huge trading volume representing the largest asset class in the world leading to high liquidity; its geographical dispersion;

its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i. e. trading from 20:15 GMT on Sunday until 22:00 GMT Friday;

the variety of factors that affect exchange rates;

the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income; y

the use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with respect to account size.

Como tal, se ha referido como el mercado más cercano al ideal de la competencia perfecta, a pesar de la intervención de la moneda por los bancos centrales. According to the Bank for International Settlements, as of April 2010, average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $3.98 trillion, a growth of approximately 20% over the $3.21 trillion daily volume as of April 2007. Some firms specializing on foreign exchange market had put the average daily turnover in excess of US$4 trillion.

The $3.98 trillion break-down is as follows:

$1.490 trillion in spot transactions

$475 billion in outright forwards

$1.765 trillion in foreign exchange swaps

$43 billion currency swaps

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UPDATE 2-Nigeria devalues naira by 8 pct to protect forex reserves during oil slump

* Bank also raises interest rate by 100 bps to 13 pct

* Falling oil prices have undermined Nigeria's reserves

* Cenbank also hikes cash reserves requirement (Adds details, background, later Emefiele comments, link to analyst comments)

By Julia Payne and Camillus Eboh

ABUJA, Nov 25 Nigeria's central bank devalued the naira by 8 percent and raised interest rates sharply on Tuesday, as it sought to stem losses to its foreign reserves from defending the currency against weaker oil prices.

The bank moved the naira's target band to 160-176 to the U. S. dollar, compared with 150-160 naira previously, owing to prolonged naira weakness and high dollar demand.

The last time it devalued was in November 2011, when it lowered the band from 145-150 naira to the dollar.

The bank also raised its benchmark interest rate by a hefty 100 basis points to 13 percent, the first change in the policy rate for more than two years.

The naira has taken a beating over the past few months, as falling oil prices have shaken confidence in the assets of Africa's leading energy producer and biggest economy.

Defending the devaluation, central bank Governor Godwin Emefiele said efforts to prop up the naira had led to "dwindling foreign reserves" and that a "more flexible exchange rate is the most viable option".

"Falling oil prices have consistently reduced the accretion to external reserves, thus constraining the ability of the bank to continually defend the naira and sustain the stability of the naira exchange rate," Emefiele said.

He forecast a sustained drop in the oil price, saying the government's benchmark oil price of $73 a barrel in its 2015 budget may be overoptimistic.

The naira opened at a record low on Monday of 178.25 and the central bank sold dollars outside of its target band, giving an early signal of the devaluation to come. But its decision to raise interest rates as well on Tuesday took analysts by surprise.

Philip Walker, economist at Economist Intelligence Unit in London predicted it could devalue again next year.

"The fall in the oil price forced the hand of the central bank, but it is political and policy issues that will continue to negatively affect confidence in the naira. A further devaluation after the 2015 elections seems likely," he said.

Several emerging economies have seen their currencies fall due to hot money outflows this year, as the U. S. Federal Reserve tapered its stimulus programme, but currencies of economies sensitive to oil prices such as the naira and the Russian rouble have been hard hit.

According to its website, Nigeria's central bank has spent an average of $27.9 million a day this year defending the naira, but the currency has still fallen 10 percent versus the dollar on concerns that a continuous slide in global oil prices would undermine efforts to prop up the currency.

"The commencement of normalisation of monetary policy by the U. S. Federal Reserve. (is) a development which has accentuated capital outflows," Emefiele said.

Nigeria's foreign reserves stood at $36.5 billion on Tuesday, Emefiele later told an investors' conference call, down 18.3 percent from a year ago, after the central bank stepped up its defence of the currency. The amount was equal to seven months of import cover, he said.

In a further tightening move on Tuesday, the central bank hiked banks' cash reserve ratio for private sector bank deposits to 20 percent, from 15 percent previously.

Emefiele also said current low oil prices were an opportunity for the treasury to remove the fuel subsidy.

In comments that sounded a little like his predecessor Lamido Sanusi, a government critic, Emefiele lamented a "considerable loss of fiscal space following from our inability to boost sufficient reserves during the boom days," a frequent complaint of the former governor.

"We thought that there is a need to take a more pessimistic view," on oil prices in the budget, he later told the conference call. "We feel that there could be a sustained drop." (Reporting by Julia Payne; Additional reporting by Chijioke Ohuocha in Lagos; Writing by Tim Cocks; Editing by Susan Fenton)

Forex Rally Berths in Nigeria with Forex Championship

Forex Rally, an international forex brokerage company has announced the official launch of its operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Apart from providing an array of free educational resources to empower traders with access to global forex industry expertise through local experience, Forex Rally has also introduced the first ever Nigerian Forex Championship which will be the most lucrative in its offering of attractive prizes and educational to participants.

The competition is designed to encourage local traders to achieve their financial goals. For three months beginning November 2nd to 29th January 2016, traders have the opportunity to win one of the thirty prizes from a fund worth over a hundred thousand dollars. The Champion will be awarded a grand prize of luxurious Toyota Hilux. To be eligible to participate, traders must be over 18 years and be a resident in Nigeria.

According to Forex Rally, participants can register by opening a contest account at www. forexrally. trade and deposit a minimum of $500 dollars or 100,000 Naira. The winner will be the trader with the highest number of points determined by three categories; ROI (Return on Investment), Deposits amount and Turnover. Traders can join the contest at any time and will still have a fair chance to win the grand prize due to the points ranking system.

Declared the Best New Comer Broker in the Region at the Lagos Forex Expo 2015, Forex Rally is already paving the way in Lagos by making forex and its training accessible through analysis, books, seminars, webinars and much more. Coinciding with the launch of the offices in Nigeria was the release of Financial Freedom a book by Razvan Mihai Certified Financial Technician and Forex Rally’s educational partner. Financial Freedom is rich in its analysis of the forex market and personal accounts of how experienced traders can overcome the most common obstacles.

“Nigeria’s capital markets have a meager penetration within the general public and knowledge of trading is low in the country. Therefore, we have a clear mandate to advance financial education to the highest level by inviting accomplished trading experts to Nigeria to share their expertise with local traders” . says Razvan Mihai, Forex Rally Educational Partner in Nigeria.

Forex Rally’s local and international structure allows the company to offer local client specific support. The new office in Nigeria is located at Fanis House, 21 Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja State, Lagos.

Forex Rally is an international online broker providing highly competitive brokerage service to emerging financial economies. They infuse cutting edge technology, low transaction rates with an array of financial instruments to clients giving an unmatched trading experience. Services include trading and investment in Forex, commodities, precious metals, shares, indices and other financial instruments. Their goal is to prioritize a seamless customer service experience to their clients who are paramount to their business. Forex Rally is committed to offering clients a reliable and secure service so as to build a complete financial portfolio. Forex Rally Nigeria (FRNG Limited) is presented locally in Lagos.

Nigeria launches platform for OTC bond, forex, money trade

LAGOS, Nigeria (Reuters) - Nigeria launched a digital platform on Thursday for over the counter trading of bonds, money market instruments and foreign exchange in a move the central bank said would deepen capital markets and aid infrastructure financing in Africa's second biggest economy.

The Financial Markets Dealers Quotations (FMDQ) aims to replace the current telephone dealing system, as well as helping the central bank better regulate Nigeria's growing debt and money markets and provide data services.

No one will be required to use it, but proponents expect a quick uptake. Although T-bills, interbank lending and even forex will be tradable on it, its main function will be to boost the longer term bond market, the central bank says.

Data from the Debt Management Office (DMO) shows Nigeria had about 7.37 trillion Nigerian naira in bonds traded as of June this year, including federal bonds and treasury bills, state government and corporate bonds.

That is dwarfed by equities, which have a market capitalisation on the stock exchange of 12 trillion naira.

"It's one of the boxes I wanted to tick before I complete my term," Central Bank Governor Lamido Sanusi, who steps down next year, told reporters after the launch in Lagos.

"It provides an enabling environment for improved price discovery for the deepening of financial markets, and we all know the country needs long term funding for infrastructure."

Nigeria is one of Africa's most dynamic economies, growing at around 7 percent a year, but it faces huge infrastructure bottlenecks such as a lack of power that need funding to fix.

Sanusi said one of the reasons Nigeria's banking system still posed such a big risk to the economy is that the latter was so dependent on banks alone for financing.

"With the development of the capital market, bringing in insurance companies, external parties, it diversifies the sources of funding," he said.

Nigerian capital markets are undergoing a revamp. The Nigeria Stock Exchange adopted the Nasdaq X-Stream trading platform at the end of last month, which improved the speed of transactions, dealers said.

Other reforms include relaxing restrictions on price swings to 10 percent a day, from 5 percent previously, opening into U. S. trading hours and allowing short selling.

Nigeria by June 30 this year has 6.85 trillion naira in federal bonds and bills outstanding, its 36 states had 319.8 billion naira between them and corporate bond holdings amounted to 200.44 billion naira, DMO data shows. "We will not be able to get to where we want to be, to address. $350 billion of funding requirements for infrastructure over the next 10 years if we don't have a market that is sophisticated, innovative, efficient," Nigeria's chief securities regulator Arunma Oteh said in a speech.

"That is what FMDQ represents."

Nigeria’s Forex reserves fall by $1bn

Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves fell 3.14 per cent to $30.48 billion by September 23 from $31.47 billion a month ago, data published by Central Bank of Nigeria showed on Wednesday. cbn

The reserves were down 23.03 per cent from a year ago, according to Reuters. To reduce the deterioration of the reserves, the Central Bank of Nigeria has been implementing a dose of restrictions on imports of non-essentials.

Nigeria to Re-issue 10-year Bond after JP Morgan Index Expulsion Nigeria plans to re-issue its five - and 10-year bonds in the last quarter of the year to raise up to N270 billion after JP Morgan on Wednesday delisted half of the maturities belonging to Africa’s biggest economy from its Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets (GBI-EM).

The 10-year bond, among those to be delisted on the influential index, edged higher to yield 15.09 per cent after the Debt Management Office (DMO) on Wednesday released its calendar showing it will re-introduce the benchmark paper, which was not issued in the third quarter, a report by Reuters stated.

The DMO said it will sell between N60 billion and N90 billion each in five - and 10-year bonds in each of the remaining three months of the year as re-openings of outstanding maturities.

JP Morgan removed half of Nigerian bonds listed on its emerging markets bond index (GBI-EM), as part of its month-end index rebalancing, cutting the West African country’s weight to 0.79 per cent.

Traders said bond yields were muted on Wednesday as foreign buyers had cut their exposure to 0.69 per cent ahead of the index expulsion.

The 2024 bond to be issued from October will pay a coupon of 14.20 per cent while the 2020 paper will pay 15.54 per cent.

With $24.547m, Zenith records highest forex allocation from CBN

Posted March 22nd, 2016 by publisher

For the second time since banks started publishing their returns on foreign exchange (forex) utilisation purchased from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Zenith Bank Plc got the highest allocation garnering a total of $24,547,235.36 million. Zenith Bank was in fourth place in last week’s review of forex returns by THISDAY.

Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, which occupied the number one slot in the last two weeks, did not publish its returns.

Zenith Bank was followed by Stanbic IBTC which got $22,718,300.47 to come in second, while Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria with $20,913,963.04 held the third slot. Diamond Bank Plc, which published returns of $16,872,037.80, came in fourth place, while Access Bank reported $16,184,742.36 to place fifth.

Also, while FirstBank Nigeria Limited reported returns of $13,086,352 to occupy the sixth place, First City Monument Bank Limited with $9,757,979.93, came in seventh; United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) with $9,677,854.93, occupied the eight position, while Citibank Nigeria with $8,689,014, was ninth.

Citibank was followed by Fidelity Bank, which, just like the preceding week, remained in 10th place; it was followed by Sterling Bank with returns of $2,690,021.41, Skye Bank Plc – $2,056,427.78, Keystone Bank Limited – $1,725,726.91 and Wema Bank Plc – $1,052,219.39.

Zenith Bank sold forex to a total of 472 customers – individuals and corporate. The bank’s forex sales also showed that a significant number of customers on its list applied to pay school fees abroad and for personal travel allowances.

Just like other weeks, returns by Stanbic IBTC revealed the huge volume of outflow by foreign portfolio investors exiting the country. 57 of its customers out of a total of 153 who bought dollars from Stanbic IBTC exited the markets. These included equities, FGN Bonds, money market instruments and treasury bills.

Also, 51 customers published by Stanbic bought dollars for PTA, while the rest imported industrial raw materials and other visible items.

In all, Standard Bank also sold dollars to 184 customers to import industrial raw materials, school fees, repay loans and repatriate capital. Like its peers, Diamond Bank sold dollars for invisibles comprising school fees and PTA and also for the importation of essential industrial raw materials. It had 330 customers on its list for last week.

Access Bank had 184 customers on its list, of which 91 bought forex to pay school fees abroad, 50 for PTA, while the rest procured dollars to import industrial raw materials. Overall, returns published by all the banks showed that demand for forex, especially for education overseas was still high.

Commenting on the trend, the chief executive officer, Financial Derivatives Company Limited, Mr. Bismarck Rewane, said the recent pronouncement on the funding of school fees from the official market by President Muhammadu Buhari was responsible for the huge demand for forex to pay tuition fees abroad.

“If you look at the list of foreign exchange allocation, it is quite interesting that apart from one or two manufacturers, the bulk is going to school fees. “This is because people heard somebody say school fees should not be on the list. So even school bills for 2017, people are already applying for them, thus exaggerating the demand by such pronouncements,” he added.

Meanwhile, as members of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) commence their two-day meeting today, the double-digit inflation recorded in February would top the agenda as the MPC weighs options to stimulate economic activities. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures inflation, rose sharply to 11.4 per cent in February, compared to 9.6 per cent the previous month, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The latest figure saw inflation breach the CBN’s target band of between 6 – 9 per cent.

The last time inflation hit double-digit in the country was in December 2012 at 12 per cent. But more worrying this time round is the seeming absence of fiscal policies as well as an economic team to chart the direction of the federal government’s policies. Most analysts have expressed concerns over lack of coordination among the various ministries, departments and agencies, as even the budget, an essential fiscal policy tool, has remained the subject of controversy.

At the end of its January meeting, the MPC had maintained the benchmark MNonetary Policy Rate (MPR), the Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR), and the liquidity ratio at 11 per cent, 20 per cent, and 30 per cent respectively.

The MPC also maintained the asymmetric corridor at +200 basis points and -700basis points respectively. Nigeria’s external reserves stood at $27.864 billion as of last Thursday. However, the most positive developments in the domestic economic environment since the last MPC meeting was the slight rise in oil prices which touched a year high of $41.38 per barrel penultimate Friday, above the 2016 budget benchmark of $38 per barrel.

The premium between the parallel market rate and the official market rate at the forex market, nonetheless, remained wide at an unacceptable margin, as the exchange rate at the official market stood at US$1/N197 as at March 16 and at US$1/N325 at the parallel market, representing a premium of N128.

In the fourth quarter of 2015, the economy grew by 2.11 per cent (year-on-year), compared with 5.94 per cent in the corresponding period of 2014. The issues surrounding the currency curbs introduced by the CBN and weak purchasing power were responsible for the sluggish growth recorded in the fourth quarter of 2015.

In a chat with THISDAY, Rewane, said there might still be some indecision at the meeting. “I think there will still be some indecision. And the longer you hold back the decision(s), the more difficult things will get. The rational thing to do is to come out with a policy, especially an exchange rate.

“It is very clear that something has to be done, but I don’t think anything would be done. “There would be an attempt to rationalise the spike in the CPI, but I don’t think they (the MPC members) would do something. If you had made up your mind before that you are not going to do something, you may decide not to do anything.

“But if they take us by surprise and come up with a clear policy, which would allow the currency to adjust in both directions, fine. Now that oil is about $41 per barrel, the naira should be appreciating. So we should have a flexible exchange rate. Without that, we are not going to solve any problem,” Rewane added.

FSDH Merchant Bank Limited, in a report at the weekend, noted that the MPC members were faced with difficult monetary policy choices going by the current economic developments in Nigeria and the short-to-medium term outlook.

“There are arguments in favour of currency adjustment, interest rate hike, and a reduction in interest rate. Notwithstanding the conflicting signals, the MPC needs to act quickly to boost investors’ confidence in the Nigerian economy.

“The fundamentals of the oil market still tend towards lower oil prices in the short-term. Therefore, the revenue of the federal government and the value of the naira still face significant external shocks. While the MPC does not have any control over oil price, an increase in rates and adjustment in the exchange rate may reduce speculative demand for foreign exchange.

“Looking at the conflicting macroeconomic developments in the Nigerian economy, a combination of an adjustment in the exchange rate and an upward movement in yields are required.

“We maintain our exchange rate range of $/N230-$/N240 while we expect the CBN to implement inflation adjusted yields to produce positive yields in the region of 200 basis points,” FSDH Merchant Bank stated.

Naira: Rise in BDC forex allocation, closer monitoring of banks advocated

As the nation awaits reversal of some monetary policy measures to save the naira and check money laundering, forex market stakeholders say that upward review of foreign exchange allocation to Bureau de Change (BDC) operators is the antidote to naira depreciation and the widening gap between the official and parallel market rates. The stakeholders argue…

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Forex restriction: S’African firm quits Nigeria

The current monetary policies in Nigeria are beginning to take a toll on foreign investment, including businesses being operated by other African nationals as a South African retailer, Truworths, says it is pulling out of its Nigerian business due to import restrictions.

There was also a report on Thursday that Ghana might have placed a ban on certain Nigeria-made goods from coming into its domain, following the decision of the Central Bank of Nigeria to restrict 41 items from accessing foreign exchange at its official window.

A report by Reuters quoted the Chief Executive Officer of Trusworths, Michael Mark, as saying, “We were unable to operate the stores properly because we were not able to send merchandise to the stores because there’s regulation preventing that.”

According to him, Truworths, which owns and operates two stores in the country, is unable to fill its shelves.

He also said the clothing retailer was struggling to pay its rents and get access to foreign exchange, which had dried up due to a collapse in oil prices. Nigeria is Africa’s biggest crude exporter.

In an attempt to boost local manufacturing and prop up the ailing naira, the CBN had effectively banned the importation of almost 700 goods, ranging from rice to toothpicks, bread and soap, the report stated.

“Even non-banned items are difficult to import due to dollar shortages,” it noted.

Apart from restricting dealers/producers of 41 items from accessing the foreign exchange at the official rate, the CBN also last month stopped, with immediate effect, the sale of foreign exchange to Bureaux de Change operators as part of measures to reduce the pressure on the nation’s foreign reserves

The Governor of the CBN, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, who announced the policy change, said the BDCs were now to source for forex from the autonomous market.

Although he also announced that members of the public could resume transactions on their domiciliary accounts, many of such account holders have rather inundated their banks with requests to withdraw dollars and other hard currencies from their accounts.

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CBN Forex Restrictions – Relevance, Implications

The June 23 circular of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) restricting 41 items from access to foreign exchange through the CBN or commercial banks have generated heated comments from stakeholders in recent times. In this Special Report, first of five parts, Andrew Airahuobhor, Bamidele Ogunwusi, Sola Alabadan, Oyeniran Apata, Ikechi Nzeako, Nkasiobi Uluikpe examines the policy in more detail.

Exclusion of 41 items from forex

As part of efforts to reduce the pressure on the Naira while preserving the nation’s external reserves, on June 23, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) issued circular excluding importers of 41 selected goods and services from accessing foreign exchange at the Nigerian foreign exchange markets.

According to the new directive from the apex bank, certain categories of items which had already been classified as ‘not valid for forex’ cannot be funded at the interbank from proceeds of exports and Bureau de change sources. The CBN said authorised dealers are enjoined to ensure that these items are funded from sources outside all the segments of the Nigerian foreign exchange markets.

In specific terms, the items affected by the CBN’s policy include rice, cement, margarine, palm kernel/palm oil products, vegetable oils, meat and processed meat products, vegetables and processed vegetable products, poultry-chicken, eggs, turkey, private airplanes/jets, Indian Incense, Tinned fish in sauce (Geisha)/Sardines, cold rolled sheets, galvanised sheets, roofing sheets, wheelbarrows, head pans, metal boxes and containers.

The list also include enamelware, steel drums, steel pipes, wire rods (deformed and not deformed), iron rods and reinforcing bars, wire mesh, steel nails, security and razor wire, wood particle boards and panels, wood fiber boards and panels, plywood boards and panel and wooden doors.

Other items affected are toothpicks, glass and glassware, kitchen utensils, tableware, tiles-vitrified and ceramic, textiles, woven fabrics, clothes, plastic and rubber products, polypropylene granules, cellophane wrappers, soap and cosmetics, tomatoes/tomato pastes, euro bond/foreign currency bond/share purchases.

The circular signed by Director, Banking Supervision, Olakanmi Gbadamosi reads in part: “In the continuing efforts to sustain the stability of the forex market and ensure efficient utilisation of forex and the derivation of optimum benefits from goods and services imported into the country, it has become imperative to exclude importers of some goods and services from accessing foreign exchange at the Nigerian forex markets in order to encourage local production of these items.

“The implementation of the policy will help conserve foreign reserves as well as facilitate the resuscitation of domestic industries and improve employment generation.

“For the avoidance of doubt, please note that the importation of these items are not banned, thus importers desirous of importing these items shall do so using their funds without any recourse to the Nigerian foreign exchange market.”

The implication of this CBN policy is that all importers who want to continue bringing in these goods or services into the country will have to source their foreign exchange from private sources.

CBN Defends New Policy On Forex

As may be expected, the new policy excluding the importers of those 41 items from foreign exchange market has been generating reactions from different quarters. This has also prompted the CBN to clarify its decision less than 24 hours after the circular was issued.

The Governor of Central Bank, Godwin Emefiele, defended the decision of the apex bank to tighten foreign exchange controls by excluding 41 items from the interbank forex market.

Emefiele said the country spends an estimated N1.3 trillion on items that could be manufactured locally, adding that Nigerians need to have a soul-searching conversation on the impact the import regime has on the economy in the areas of industrialisation and job creation.

He explained that it was necessary to shed more light on the rationale behind the policy, “in view of the announcement we made yesterday to exclude more items from accessing foreign exchange at the interbank market”.

According to him, “Sometimes, policy changes are forced on policymakers as a result of exogenous shocks beyond their control. While most people do not like to be forced to do something, one of the hallmarks of effective policymaking is to be nimble and responsive when such situations arise.

“In the case of yesterday’s announcement, I am happy to inform and underscore that this policy change is in line with my long-held belief that Nigeria cannot attain its true potential by simply importing everything.

“At some point, we have to all decide what we really want for our country, and I believe that the time is now right for that deep and honest conversation.”

In retrospect, he referred to his maiden address as governor of the CBN, saying he had argued that central banks in developing countries like Nigeria could not sit idly by and concentrate only on price and monetary stability.

“I argued that additional measures would be required towards identifying productive sectors of the economy and channelling credit towards these sectors, while imposing proper monitoring and performance measures in order to ensure that the goals of increased employment and poverty reduction are attained.

“I also noted that despite Nigeria’s relatively impressive GDP growth rates over the past seven years, there seem to be an absence of a corresponding reduction in unemployment or poverty.

“My personal as well as the Bank’s institutional analyses of the situation compelled us to believe that we needed to aggressively begin the process of feeding ourselves by ourselves and producing much of what we need in this country.

“And in order to begin this process, the CBN took measures to increase credit allocations to pivotal productive sectors of the economy with a view to stimulating increased output in these sectors, creating jobs on a mass scale and significantly reducing our import bills,” he explained.

The CBN boss maintained that the huge amounts of money that Nigeria spends on importing things that could be produced locally have become a significant drag on our foreign exchange reserves.

“Most of you are aware of the often-quoted number of N1.3 trillion, which is what we spend on the average importing rice, fish, sugar and wheat every year.

“Each time I ponder these issues; many vexing questions trouble my mind. Let me take the case of rice for illustration. Why should we keep importing rice into Nigeria when vast amounts of paddy rice of comparable quality produced by poor hardworking local farmers across the rice belts of Nigeria are being wasted and ignored?

“What will it take for these importers to stop the importation and instead go into processing these locally produced rice? Why are these importers not utilising the vast expanses of arable land for rice cultivation instead of taking the easy route of importing rice?

“Do we, as a people, realise how many jobs we are creating for other countries by ignoring local production and simply concentrating on imports?

“How can we keep complaining about the depreciation of the naira when all we do as a people is to import everything from ordinary Geisha (canned fish) and toothpicks, to even eggs?” preguntó.

He stressed that these were some of the fundamental reasons behind the central bank’s recent announcement, stressing: “Let me emphasise that the CBN does not have the power to out rightly ban the importation of the items we listed in our circular yesterday.

“Of course, anyone listening to me now would know what I could have done if I had that power. But what we have done is to simply say that the Central Bank of Nigeria cannot continue to support the imports of these items using Nigeria’s hard-earned foreign exchange.

“Importers who may want to continue bringing in these goods or services into the country will have to source their foreign exchange from private sources.

“Let me reiterate that the Central Bank of Nigeria will continue to be vigilant around this policy and will keep reviewing the list of these items as we become comfortable that items can be produced locally if we apply ourselves sufficiently enough.

“I believe that the current situation we find ourselves affords us a unique opportunity to embrace self-sufficiency in Nigeria, reduce our appetite for everything and anything foreign, conserve the country’s scarce foreign exchange, and create jobs here at home for our people.

“With the full complement of the top management of the Bank, I assure you that we will continue to look out for areas in which the Bank can play a catalytic financial role to helping us achieve these goals in the near future.”

Trafficking Of Foreign Currencies Across Borders

In what appears to be an attempt to derail the policy, the CBN has alerted Nigerians that those offended by its recent policy of restricting foreign currency to importers of 41 items have resorted to exporting hard currency across the nation’s borders with neigbhouring countries. The CBN said large quantum of cash is now being transported through the borders following its foreign exchange denial to importers of restricted products.

However, the apex bank said that it was collaborating with relevant agencies to ensure that the culprits are apprehended.

“The apex bank has noted the unwholesome practice of movements of huge foreign currency cash across Nigerian borders by individuals and corporate bodies without compliance to extant law of declaration to the appropriate authorities. The bank is already collaborating with other relevant agencies of government to ensure compliance to the provisions of the law” the CBN stated.

The CBN also reminded the Bureau de Change operators that they are not allowed to sell more than $5000.00 to any individual customers for Business Travel/Personal Travel Allowance, monthly mortgage payment, School fees abroad, credit card payment, Utility bills, Life insurance premium payment.

“The bank, however, stated that the BDCs are only authorised to deal in foreign currency cash and to sell not more than US$5000.00 to an individual customer and strictly for the following transactions: (i)Business Travel/Personal Travel Allowance; (ii) Monthly mortgage payment; (iii) School fees abroad; (iv) Credit card payment; (v) Utility bills vi) Life insurance premium payment” it noted, insisting that the BDCs are not authorised to fund import transactions in any form whatsoever.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the Central of Nigeria has directed that BDCs are not authorised to fund import transactions in any form whatsoever, either by cash or wire transfer. Accordingly, authorized dealers are hereby barred from effecting wire transfers from the account of their BDCs’ customers henceforth,” the CBN said.

Mixed Reactions Trail Exclusion Of Items From Forex

In spite of the clarifications by the CBN, mixed reactions have trailed the central bank’s decision to tighten forex controls, with some people applauding the CBN for taking the bold step while others are calling on the apex bank to reconsider its action.

Argument In Support Of CBN Policy

While some people have faulted the CBN policy excluding the 41 items from forex and called for a massive devaluation of the naira instead of foreign exchange restrictions on certain items such as rice and toothpicks by the CBN, President of Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, has thrown his weight behind the CBN, describing the ban on 41 items from forex market as “excellent and one of the best decisions taken so far by the CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele.”

The foremost businessman described the CBN’s intervention as appropriate for the Nigerian economy saying, “We cannot be importing poverty and exporting jobs.”

Dangote believes that this should be seen as a clarion call for all hands to be on deck in the development of the nation’s economy disclosing that the foreign exchange restrictions on the 41 items also affected the Dangote Group, especially the Dangote Rice. He, however, believes that the measure would encourage his firm “to look inward and massively produce locally to create jobs for our growing young population.”

He pointed out that without such ban by the administration of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, he wouldn’t have got the opportunity to grow his cement business as it is today such that he is now exporting cement when only 10 years ago Nigeria was importing cement massively.

“When Obasanjo introduced the policy, he was massively criticized by multinationals and the same foreign media. But today, we are self-sufficient in cement production,” he stated.

Dangote maintained that those criticising Emefiele for the decision on foreign exchange restrictions do not have the interest of Nigerians at heart.

He therefore called on people in the South-south region of the country to focus on the development of palm plantations instead of importing palm oil. In the same vein, he enjoined the people of Nigeria to see this as an opportunity to invest in fish farming across Nigeria from the North to the Atlantic Ocean, rather than importing fish, saying Nigeria can borrow a leaf from Senegal. “Although fish is a major staple food in Senegal, the country does not import fish…. why should we be importing fish in Nigeria with all our God given ocean resources,” preguntó.

He lauded Emefiele for his bold and courageous decision to place certain items that could be produced locally on forex restrictions.


Thoughts on CBN’s policy measures to address Forex concerns

Friday, June 26, 2015 16:18 PM / DLM

Nigeria’s economy is sensitive to oil price shocks, to the extent that any development in the domestic and international oil markets has a ripple effect on most macro-economic indicators. In view of the aforementioned, the naira has come under immense pressure which has been largely sustained since August 2014 with the apex bank implementing strategies in a bid to maintain exchange rate stability. We note the various policy measures that have been introduced by the CBN in recent months to ease the significant pressure on the naira with the movement of the midpoint of the official window of the foreign exchange market to N168/$1 in November 2014 and the closure of the RDAS/WDAS foreign exchange window in February 2015 being noteworthy. The closure of the RDAS/WDAS in our view offered some respite to the financial markets and significantly slowed down the rate of depletion of reserves - significantly lower than the rate of depletion of 13.12% seen between January and March 2015. We also observed a slight accretion to the external reserves in May 2015 as it rose on a month-on-month basis for the first time in nine months.

Renewed pressure on the naira yet again with the resultant increased funding of the foreign exchange market raising concerns on weakening external reserves. We note the renewed pressure on the naira in recent weeks which has exacerbated the depletion of the nation’s external reserves as the CBN remains keen on defending the naira. This is further supported by the fact that external reserves have steadily declined in the last one month to current level of $29.03billion – the lowest in over 54 months considered. The weakening of fiscal buffers raises significant concerns as it increases the economy’s reliance on portfolio flows which is a key driver of risk of exchange rate stability.

Key highlights of the recent CBN circular. In a circular released by the CBN on the 23rd of June 2015, importers of selected goods and services (41 items) were excluded from accessing foreign exchange at the Nigerian foreign exchange markets. They include: rice, cement, margarine, palm kernel/ palm oil products/ vegetable oils, meat and processed meat products, poultry - chicken, eggs, turkey, private airlines/ jets, furniture, toothpicks, textiles, woven fabrics, clothes, plastic and rubber products, soap and cosmetics, tomatoes/ tomatoes paste and euro bond/ foreign currency bond/ share purchases amongst others. We believe this is in reaction to the increasing demand for foreign currency from the CBN which increases the funding of the foreign exchange market and invariably the rapid depletion of the nation’s reserves.

Whilst we understand the rationale of this move considering the huge amount of foreign currency needed to facilitate these transactions given that Nigeria largely remains an import-dependent economy, we believe that it presents a scenario of a possible diversion to the parallel market as these firms strive to remain in business. Consequently, this will likely raise rates at the parallel market and induce inflationary pressures in the short-to-medium term which further reinforces our position that inflation would hover around the lower double digit range by the end of 2015. Presently, Nigeria is one of the largest importers of food in the world, spending an estimated N1.3 trillion annually importing wheat, rice, sugar and fish.

Therefore, policy effectiveness in our view will also be largely hinged on the significant increase in domestic production to meet teeming demand of these goods to prevent demand-pull inflation.

In view of current economic realities, how much longer before the inevitable? In our opinion, these policies portray the hesitancy of the apex bank to devalue the naira which is commendable but we note that possible options have become limited. We maintain our position of a further devaluation of the currency in the current year to ease the rapid depletion of the reserves.

Nigeria pharma associations warn of drugs shortage as forex scarcity persists

Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMG-MAN) have warned West African country may soon witness shortage of drugs in circulation if the scarcity of foreign exchange for importation of critical raw materials persists, a situation that could endanger the health of citizens.

The associations have called for the Federal Government to make available foreign exchange to bonafide pharmacists to procure critical raw materials, and provide an intervention fund for the pharmaceutical sector.

President PSN, Ahmed I. Yakasai, and Chairman of PMG-MAN, Okey S. Akpa, said that despite government policy that targeted 70 per cent utilization of local capacity in drug production, Nigeria is currently utilizing only about 35 per cent of its local production capacity.

Nigeria is facing currency woes in the wake of oil price plunge and tight forex controls have led to accusations growth is being strangled in Africa’s most populous country.

Dollar reserves currently stand at a low of $28 billion — $20 billion less than in April 2013. There is only enough for five months of imports for a country heavily dependent on foreign goods.

Africa’s leading economy is projected to have grown by 3.0 percent in 2015, its slowest pace in over a decade, according to an International Monetary Fund report in January.


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PharmaAfrica’s mission is to provide a platform to enable the growth of a quality African pharmaceutical industry that competitively contributes to healthcare.

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Nigeria interbank rate double after cash payment for forex

LAGOS Feb 9 (Reuters) - Nigeria's interbank lending rate jumped to 2 percent on Tuesday from 1 percent on Monday after the central bank directed commercial lenders to fund their naira accounts to enable them take part in its forex intervention on Thursday, trader said.

Overnight lending rates jumped 100 basis points as the movement of naira cash for forex purchases drained liquidity in the market.

The central bank intervenes once a week at the interbank foreign exchange market to provide dollar liquidity for some eligible importers.

Last month the bank banned dollar sales to retail bureaux de change outlets, sending the naira to record lows on the black market, and later stopped daily sales to the interbank market, with the aim of conserving reserves which are down to an 11-year low.

The local currency closed at 199.40 to the dollar on the interbank market on Tuesday according to Reuters data, around the peg rate of 197 to the dollar.

The naira eased to 312 on the parallel market against 310 a dollar on Monday.

"The overnight rate went up today to 3 percent in early traded but declined to. 2 percent after some banks funded their forex account," one dealer said.

Nigeria's interbank rate mirrors the level of naira liquidity in the banking system.

Traders said commercial lenders' credit balance with the central bank opened at 978 billion naira ($4.94 billion) on Tuesday before the bank called for funding for forex purchases. The central bank requires commercial lenders to fund their forex account 48 hours in advance of its intervention.

($1 = 198 naira) (Reporting by Oludare Mayowa; editing by John Stonestreet)

&dupdo; Thomson Reuters 2016 All rights reserved

Nigeria's forex reserves decline 15.61 pct to $29.13 bln yr/yr by Dec 29

LAGOS Dec 31 (Reuters) - Nigeria's foreign exchange reserves declined by 15.61 percent year-on-year to $29.13 billion by Dec. 29, from $34.52 billion a year ago, data from the central bank showed on Thursday.

The forex reserves of Africa's biggest economy and top crude exporter also dropped by 2.6 percent in one month from $29.91 billion a month earlier.

The forex reserves fell to their lowest since July 1, 2015 when they stood at $29.07 billion because the central bank has been using the reserves to support the ailing naira currency in the wake of falling global oil prices. (Reporting by Oludare Mayowa)

&dupdo; Thomson Reuters 2016 All rights reserved

How to Trade Forex in Nigeria

Posted by Felix Okoli on Sunday February 26, 2012 14:25:0:

If you knew how to trade forex, it could be a great way to make money online in Nigeria. Online Forex trading is helping a lot of people make thousands of dollars monthly in Nigeria and if you know how to do it, it could change your life too. So how does one start trading forex in Nigeria? What are the things required? What does it involve? How long before the trader starts getting profit? Does the trader need constant internet connection? How much do I need to start? There are a lot of questions prospective forex traders in Nigeria would want to ask when it comes to trading forex. It is a kind of business that involves the right knowledge, great skill and the right approach. Forex trading can make or break you but even if you are a jjc forex trader, you can still make profit from this online activity. In short, here are a few tips to help you get started to trading forex in Nigeria:

How to Start - Register with a forex broker like Marketiva - Go to resources and get tips on how to make profit from trading as well as some forex words - Do virtual trading with your virtual funds and try to buy low and sell high - Focus on small profits like $1 and try buying with small funds like $1000 - Set exit target profit pt and exit stop loss at your every entry to control your losses. - Try to repeat your winning trades to see how profitable it will be - Best days for trading forex are Tuesday to Thursday, other days are not always predictable - You can also learn more on forex trading by going to sites like babypips. com - If you are ready for live trading, you can add funds with Liberty reserve of bank wire from a domiciliary account

Leverage matters a lot and so how much you invest in a trade and the profit you set can make or mar your funds. So play safe by investing smaller trades.


Re: How to Trade Forex in Nigeria Posted by lyddyann on Monday June 6, 2011 at 12:8:52:

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Re: How to Trade Forex in Nigeria Posted by okuk on Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 13:32:19:

How can I trade forex

Re: How to Trade Forex in Nigeria Posted by Felix Okoli on Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 11:9:57:

For those who are still new to forex trading, you can learn more about it by getting my report on JJC Forex trading It is meant to teach people who are not yet experience with forex trading how to get started. I believe it would be a helpful ebook so just download it today

Re: How to Trade Forex in Nigeria Posted by NNAJI NELSON on Friday March 2, 2012 at 4:25:23:


Re: How to Trade Forex in Nigeria Posted by Karthik on Tuesday May 8, 2012 at 10:22:59:

I touhhgt I'd have to read a book for a discovery like this!

Re: How to Trade Forex in Nigeria Posted by Felix Okoli on Saturday January 19, 2013 at 21:37:14:

You can fund or withdraw from your forex account by using liberty reserve of bank wire

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Food, Beverage Sector to Sack 3million Workers Over Forex Crisis

An alarm was on Wednesday, March 23 raised by the Organized Labor over the imminent job loss in the food, beverage and tobacco sector of the nation’s economy.

It said over three million jobs were at risk due to the inability of companies to source foreign exchange to import raw material for operations.

Already, leading companies in the sector, such as Nigerian Flour Mills, Nigerian Breweries Limited, Guinness Plc, Nigerian Bottling Company, 7-UP Bottling Company Plc, Friesland Campina Wamco Plc, among others, have written to labour for discussions on retrenchment of workers.

In the last three months, no fewer than 1,500 workers had been sacked in the sector as employers seek ways of coping with foreign exchange crisis, among other challenges.

At a briefing in Lagos, leaders of Food, Beverage and Tobacco Senior Staff Association, FOBTOB, called on government to intervene to save the industry and over three million jobs.

President of FOBTOB, Quadri Olaleye, claimed that employers in the sector had devised every opportunity to sack workers, adding that between the 2012 and the first half of 2015, over 3,000 workers were sacked in the guise of re-engineering, restructuring, right sizing, downsizing, redundancy and re-organisation.

He lamented that over the years, the same excuse of difficult business terrain, dwindling profit, irregular and insufficient power supply, and so on had been given.

He said: “The current situation has reached a pathetic level, because it seems all the employers in our sector are in competition with each other on who can lay off the most workers.

“Every company is now calling for a downsizing of the workforce, and this time under the guise of lack of foreign exchange due to the Federal Government’s recent policy on foreign exchange.”

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Forex lot calculation

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Forex lot calculation

A basic rule to remember about this type of wave is that it is never the shortest one among waves of momentum that are 1, yout wait too long though, because the trade might not be executed due to price change. In fact, Inc. There might be undesirable leads to s actually less dangerous toplete.

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ForexTime Nigeria Events

FXTM Trading W/A Limited will be hosting the Abuja Electronic Traders Conference on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at the Rockview Hotel Royale in Abuja, located at the following address: Plot 196 CAD Zone A8, Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria. The conference will run from 10 am to 4 pm.

The focus of the event will be the future of investments and the opportunities the foreign exchange market can provide for both traders and investors. At ForexTime we know that trading the markets can be a fantastic way of generating additional income and that many traders and investors dream of trading for a living. Attending this conference is essential for anyone interested in electronic trading. ForexTime professionals will be there to teach you some of the ins and outs of trading Forex, stocks, commodities and indices.

At the conference we will be sharing strategies and speaking on a variety of topics that should be of interest to aspiring traders and investors including:

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• Global investment trends

• The principles of successful trading

• The evolution of successful traders

• The evolution of foreign exchange investments

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Not only will you have the chance to hear from the experts; you will also be able to network with other successful traders. You can pick up some valuable tips and share some of your own.

Admission is free, but you will need to register, Fill the form below to register now. Space is limited!

FXTM Trading W/A Limited will be hosting the Port Harcourt Electronic Traders Conference on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at THE ATRIUM, Stadium Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. It will run from 10 am to 4pm.

ForexTime with the core mission of educationally empower ing e-traders to succeed would be using this conference to introduce e-trader to the concept of “TRADING AS A BUSINESS”. This concept teaches traders to start thinking like a businessman, and like the way businessmen build business success by having a business strategy, etraders can begin to conclude that the only rational way to trade the markets is to trade a strategy. The successful e-traders are the ones who don’t try to predict tops and bottoms but who consistently take a little out of the middle. The only logical way to do this consistently is through a well thought-out, well-designed strategy. It’s a matter of good business sense.”

At this conference ForexTime will have top trading professionals on hand to share their strategies and speak on a variety of topics which would make you a successful e-trading businessman, these topics are:

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Not only will you have the chance to hear from the experts; you will also be able to network with other successful traders. Pick up valuable tips and share some of your own.

Admission is free, but you will need to register, Fill the form below to register now. Space is limited!

Lagos Electronic Traders Conference

The Lagos Electronic Traders Conference, was the first and the biggest e-traders conference to be organized in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The Event took place on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at the Agip Recital Hall of the MUSON Center in Lagos, Nigeria.

At the conefernce ForexTime professionals were on hand to share their strategies and speak on a variety of topics.

Attendees didnt just chance to hear from the experts; they also were able to network with other traders. Pick up valuable tips and share some of their own.


Posted December 10, 2012 4:57 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Barry Norman | Print | Font Size       | Add a comment The Italian Clown Weighs Heavily on the Euro.

Investors got a chill up their spines this weekend as Silvio Berlusconi decided to reenter Italian politics. On Friday he announced his intentions to run for Prime Minister at the next election and then his party, the People of Liberty Party, withdrew their support for the government of current Prime Minister Mario Monti .

Monti, a well respected banker and business man on the global financial scene for many years had the highest of reputations and was appointed to lead the government after the resignation of Berlusconi in 2011. Berlusconi was forced from office by the EU leadership along with international investors, who were uncomfortable purchasing government debt. With Monti stepping in, the Italian government immediate was restored to respectability and the bond markets welcome Mario with open arms as well as the EU Ministers. Within a short period of time, Monti became a well respected advisor to the Eurogroup and helped steering the eurozone and dealing with the financial crisis, while trying to help Italy to recover.

Mr. Monti while well known and respected as a diplomat and a financier, was not a politician and never built a strong political base and was dependent upon Mr. Berlusconi’s party to give him the political clout he needed to run the country.

Unfortunately for Mr. Monti economic recovery is a slow difficult process which creates more pain before it can heal. The Italians are suffering that pain at the moment, and this is a very difficult problem for any government, this is witnessed by the demonstrations and riots in London last year and the strikes and civil unrest in Greece more recently.

Mr. Berlusconi is taking advantage of this current situation to re-emerge on the political scene. Even though he resigned in 2011 he was never out of the press headlines having been investigated and indicted for crimes ranging from fraud and bribery to prostitution. He was nicknamed “The Knight” for his antics as a media tycoon before he took office but he has been more rightly dubbed “The Italian Clown” now an embarrassment to the Italian government.

Mario with his back against the wall trying to push through a new Italian budget that will get Italy on the way to recovery lashed back announcing his resignation. The office of the President has officially announced that Mr. Monti will resign and if his budget is not passes he will step down immediately.

This political turmoil and uncertainty is weighing heavily on the euro in early trading today with the euro dipping to the 1.29 price down 39pts since the opening. There will most likely be more repercussions as the European markets open shortly as Italian yields should see a major effect. There are two government bond auctions on the calendar this week; investors will get a chance to be heard loud and clear.

Posted December 09, 2012 8:30 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Christopher Lewis | Print | Font Size       | Añadir un comentario

The US Dollar Index had a pretty wild week as we went back and forth between the 81 and 79.50 levels. The resulting candle is a long-legged doji, and this suggests that there is quite a bit of uncertainty in the marketplace, as if you didn’t know.

Looking forward, we will have to see a breakout above the 81.50 level in order to be comfortable taking a longer-term positive position with the US dollar. As for selling, we can see that the 79 level is without a doubt going to be massive support, and needs to be broken below in order to start selling. In the meantime, expect a lot of noise and short-term trading opportunities at best.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Posted December 11, 2012 6:24 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Barry Norman | Print | Font Size | Add a comment EUR/JPY Fundamental Analysis December 12, 2012, Forecast Analysis and Recommendations: The EUR/JPY saw a climb to hit 106.67 adding 11pts in early morning trading. The euro and the JPY are weak facing political uncertainty, recession and fiscal problems. With Mario Monti’s resignation and the Greek bond buy back incomplete the euro remains on the negative side. While in Japan elections scheduled for December 16th and the Bank of Japan flooding markets with easy money continue to stress traders and the JPY.

FxEmpire provides in-depth analysis for each currency and commodity we review. Fundamental analysis is provided in three components. We provide a detailed monthly analysis and forecast at the beginning of each month. Then we provide more recent analysis and information in our weekly reports and we provide daily updates and outlooks Economic Data December 11, 2012 actual v. forecast

Upcoming Economic Events that affect the AUD, NZD, JPY and USD Government Bond Auction Date Time Country Dec 12 10:10 Italy Dec 12 10:10 Sweden Dec 12 10:30 Swiss Dec 12 16:30 US Dec 13 01:30 Japan Dec 13 09:30 Spain Dec 13 10:10 Italy Dec 13 10:30 UK Dec 13 16:00 US Dec 13 18:00 US Dec 14 11:00 Belgium Dec 14 15:30 UK

Posted December 11, 2012 3:45 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Christopher Lewis | Print | Font Size       | Añadir un comentario

The silver markets had a positive session on Monday, which of course wouldn’t have been a major surprise if you have been reading our reports. I stated on Thursday and Friday that the $33.00 level looks to be rather supportive, and have since seen exactly that.

However, I can see that the $33.30 level is a little bit of resistance as we have been consolidating over the last three days or so, but do feel that it will eventually be overcome as it is minor resistance at best. If we managed to break above the highs from the Monday session, we are more than willing to continue to add to our silver positions.

Posted December 11, 2012 3:44 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Christopher Lewis | Print | Font Size | Add a comment Light Sweet Crude The light sweet crude markets fell during the session on Monday, but had a relatively quiet day in general. We are currently under the $86.00 level, so it does look like we’re going to make an attempt to get down to the $84.00 level in the near-term. However, it really comes down to your time horizon: If you are an ultra short-term trader, you can go ahead and get short of this market as we should start to grind lower. However, if you choose to trade daily candles or something of that ilk, shorting on a break below the $84.00 level will be the way to go. At this point time, is going to be very difficult to buy light sweet crude as it appears to be heading towards the lows. Crude Oil Forecast December 11, 2012, Technical Analysis Brent The Brent markets went back and forth during the session on Monday, but finished a bit lower at the $106.17 level. This isn’t quite low enough to break below the support area, but it does look like we are attempting to. I still maintain that the $105.00 level is the area that the sellers will have to break down in order to gain momentum, and I do believe that eventually they will. However, a bounce could be coming in this general vicinity so of course we want to wait until a daily close below that level to be convinced of it. If they managed to do that, we think that a move down to $100 a barrel is very likely at that point time. There will be numerous potential headline incidents coming out of the Middle East over the next few weeks, and this will have more of an effect on the Brent market than the light sweet crude one as much of the petroleum in that region is of the bread variety. Because of this, we think that the Brent market has more of a potential for an explosive upside move than many of the other grades of crude oil. However, as things stand right now we feel that oil in general will fall as demand starts to shrink.

Posted December 10, 2012 15:05 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Barry Norman | Print | Font Size       | Add a comment USD/CAD Fundamental Analysis December 11, 2012, Forecast

Analysis and Recommendations:

The USD/CAD is trading at 0.9876 down by 10cents. Poor housing data release in Canada today weighed on the Looney, but the CAD has been strong since the positive jobs data report in the US and Canada last week. It seems that Canada is having a more positive reaction to the US jobs data then the US dollar.

This is a relatively strong performance considering Friday’s decision by the Canadian government to approve both the Cnooc/Nexen and the Petronas/Progress deals (near-term CAD positive); however on a go forward basis the government has said that future acquisition attempts of Canadian oil sands properties by SOEs (state owned enterprise) will only be found to be of a net benefit to Canada on an exceptional basis.

FxEmpire provides in-depth analysis for each currency and commodity we review. Fundamental analysis is provided in three components. We provide a detailed monthly analysis and forecast at the beginning of each month. Then we provide more up to the data analysis and information in our weekly reports.

Economic Data December 9, 2012 actual v. forecast

Chinese Fixed Asset Investment (YoY) 

Chinese Industrial Production (YoY) 

Economic Data December 10, 2012 actual v. forecast

Norwegian Core Inflation (MoM) 

Upcoming Economic Events that affect the CAD and USD

Government Bond Auction

Dec 11 09:30 Spain 

Dec 11 10:10 Greece 

Dec 11 10:15 Austria 

Dec 11 10:30 Belgium 

Dec 11 10:30 UK 

Dec 11 18:00 US 

Dec 12 10:10 Italy  

Dec 12 10:10 Sweden 

Dec 12 10:30 Swiss 

Dec 12 16:30 US 

Dec 13 01:30 Japan 

Dec 13 09:30 Spain 

Dec 13 10:10 Italy  

Dec 13 10:30 UK 

Dec 13 16:00 US 

Dec 13 18:00 US 

Dec 14 11:00 Belgium 

Dec 14 15:30 UK 

Posted December 10, 2012 15:07 (GMT) | By FX Empire Analyst - Barry Norman | Print | Font Size       | Add a comment Natural Gas Fundamental Analysis December 11, 2012, Forecast

Analysis and Recommendations:

Natural Gas continued to weaken today trading at 3.442 as investors turned their back on the commodity. After just a week ago, natural gas was the sweetheart of the markets rising to 3.99 breaking recent highs and then fell from its perch. Residential use diminished along with spare capacity needs as warmer than expected weather across the US continued.

Last week’s EIA inventory showed a continued rise in inventory disappointing investors. Traders have been dumping the commodity to find higher risk assets with a better chance of turning profits before the end of the year. Natural Gas needs a cold spell across the US but no is called for until after the New Year.

FxEmpire provides in-depth analysis for each currency and commodity we review. Fundamental analysis is provided in three components. We provide a detailed monthly analysis and forecast at the beginning of each month. Then we provide more up to the data analysis and information in our weekly reports.

Economic Data December 9, 2012 actual v. forecast

Chinese Fixed Asset Investment (YoY) 

Chinese Industrial Production (YoY) 

Economic Data December 10, 2012 actual v. forecast

Norwegian Core Inflation (MoM) 

Upcoming Economic Events that affect the CHF, EUR, GBP and USD

Government Bond Auction

Dec 11 09:30 Spain 

Dec 11 10:10 Greece 

Dec 11 10:15 Austria 

Dec 11 10:30 Belgium 

Dec 11 10:30 UK 

Dec 11 18:00 US 

Dec 12 10:10 Italy  

Dec 12 10:10 Sweden 

Dec 12 10:30 Swiss 

Dec 12 16:30 US 

Dec 13 01:30 Japan 

Dec 13 09:30 Spain 

Dec 13 10:10 Italy  

Dec 13 10:30 UK 

Dec 13 16:00 US 

Dec 13 18:00 US 

Dec 14 11:00 Belgium 

Dec 14 15:30 UK 

CBN harming Nigeria with current Forex policy

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As CBN continues to uphold its list of 41 items barred from accessing foreign exchange, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LCCI, has expressed concerns over the widening gap in the foreign exchange rates between the parallel and the interbank markets, saying it is an incentive for round-tripping.

According to news reports, the Naira currently exchanges N244 per Dollar at the parallel or black market, while CBN has pegged it N197 per Dollar at the interbank market.

Remi Bello, President of LCCI, in a statement said the current situation had deep and negative implications on the economy.

“It is an incentive for round - tripping, it will create distortions in the economy, it compromises the principle of level playing field in the economy, it will make the management of the foreign exchange market vulnerable to all manner of sharp practices and corruption.”

LCCI expressed disappointment at CBN’s refusal to review its list of 41 items from accessing foreign exchange at the official rate and demanded a publication of the list of the beneficiaries of the restrictive forex allocations in the past one month.

The Chamber called on the CBN to publish the list in the spirit of transparency and in line with the values of the present administration.

Bello disclosed that manufacturers had raised issues of classification of items for proper identification of the products and to make the implementation less disruptive to the economy.

“There are many items on the list, which are critical inputs of many production firms. Sustainability of many manufacturing activities is currently at risk, especially with the apparent unwillingness of the CBN to shift ground.

“Meanwhile, in the spirit of transparency and in line with the values of the present administration, we call for the publication of the list of beneficiaries of the foreign exchange allocations in the past one month. This will allow for a more robust discussion and engagement on the way forward.”

He noted that LCCI expected the Monitory Policy Committee, MPC, to address the issue of importation of petroleum products, which he said, was exerting the highest pressure on the foreign exchange market and the country’s reserves.

“The same is true of the implications of fuel subsidy on the fiscal stability of governments at all levels. These are major fiscal issues posing challenges for monetary policy and the management of the foreign exchange market.

“We call on President Muhammadu Buhari to do something urgently about these critical issues.”

He said the protracted problem of excess liquidity should be addressed in a manner that would not persistently cause disruption and dislocation to the economy.

The therapy of interminable monetary tightening according to him has not worked since the focus has been on tackling the symptoms and not the cause.

“We submit that the phenomenon of excess liquidity is driven principally by the monetization of crude oil receipts and the high and increasing banking system credit to the Federal Government.

“Fixing the problem through a root cause analysis will be more helpful to the economy.

“It is critical to curb the incidence of high powered money in the financial system, he said”

Meanwhile in reaction to the outcome of Monetary Policy Committee meeting last week, CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele, has said that the Naira was appropriately priced, which the LCCI disagreed in its position.

The Director Corporate Communications Department, Ibrahim Mu’azu, who had earlier defended CBN’s policy on the 41 items barred, said “Nigeria cannot attain its full potentials by importing everything into the country, especially because the huge and seemingly uninhibited rate of importation had already weakened the operating capacities of the nation’s industries.”

According to him, this new Forex policy will afford the Government the opportunity to strengthen the indigenous industries again.

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NUFBTE Appeals For Forex Policy Review On Tomato Paste In Nigeria

The National Union of Food, Beverage and Tobacco Employees (NUFBTE) has appealed to the presidency to call on the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to review the forex policy listing of triple concentrate tomato paste among the 41 items banned from accessing foreign exchange from the official window.

The NUFBTE President, Lateef Oyelekan, made the call while speaking with journalists in Lagos on the impact of the ban on the manufacturers of tomato paste. Oyelekan said the ban has resulted in the inability of the firms to import tomato concentrate which is the main raw materials used in their production process.

He stated that the companies involved should be given the latitude to plan for backward integration as one of the downside of the policy is that it could lead to massive job losses, as an estimated 1000 jobs are likely to be lost in the tomato process manufacturing sector.

“The jobs of the workers are at stake unless the ban is reversed and the opportunity for backward integration would be lost by the affected companies,” he said.

The quantity of the produce being cultivated presently, he said in the country is not enough for local consumption and the quality is not good enough to be processed into paste.

He pointed out that it would take years for the planting, harvesting and processing of the produce into concentrate, adding that most of the companies have run out of stock.

The NUFBTE President explained that the volatility factor inherent in tomato farming is often a product of seasonal variations, which is itself a function of the variables of weather, agronomy, water, seed, fertilizer, market, storage, transportation, and numerous other agro-allied business dynamics.

“If triple concentrate tomato paste is now placed among the list of items that will not have access to the foreign exchange market overnight, that line of business has been killed because the government is working from the perspective that there are tomatoes in the environment for cultivation, processing into paste and packaging. Rather than prohibiting the items overnight, why not engage the manufacturers in discussion.”

He noted that the objective of the forex restriction was not a bad idea on its own; but lamented that the implementation of the policy has far-reaching implication in the short, medium and long term.

Also speaking on the policy, President, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Remi Bello, decried the policy and also warned that most manufacturers might be forced to shut down and move their operations to neighbouring countries due to their inability to access foreign exchange for raw materials and other critical inputs. According to him, the government needs to first address the issue of post-harvest wastage emanating from inadequate storage and the absence of processing facilities and the development of agro-allied industry.

“No matter how bounteous the nation’s harvest is, such productivity will count for little if the produce cannot be stored,” he added.

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